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Raymond W. Morrill

It is with regret and a deep sense of sorrow that we inform you that Raymond W. Morrill, 53, passed away March 17, 1971, in Brookfield, Illinois.

Ray had served for the past six years as director of the Brookfield Department of Parks & Recreation.

He was active in a number of organizations including the National Recreation and Park Association; Illinois Park and Recreation Society ; Mid West Park and Recreation Association; and Suburban Park and Recreation Association where he held the positions of Secretary-Treasurer and Vice President. He was also active in IPRS Committee work.

He is survived by his wife Evelyn of 3720 Raymond, Brookfield, Illinois; four sons, Charles, Thomas, Richard and Raymond Jr. (a parks & recreation major at Western Illinois University); a daughter, Mrs. Donna Mecklenburg; three grandchildren; his mother Grace Morrill; and one sister.

Illinois Parks and Recreation    13    May/June, 1971

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