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A local engineer concentrates on his half face make-up, (only part of the face is covered with make-up)

The Clown School

John C. Murphy

IT ALL STARTED with the "Bedlamites" (a group of volunteers) who are highly organized and an important part of the Blue Island Park District's program.

After their last Easter Egg Hunt (where clowns played an important role) it was discovered how difficult the role of a clown really was.

This is where the Clown School was formed.

How many times have you laughed at the clown or thought "that clown isn't very funny?" Well, the Bedlamites found out just how hard the art of clowning is.

The clown school met weekly to study facial make-up, not only how to put it on, but how to make faces "say who they were portraying" and how to adjust those painted features to their own. Then they began the important task of learning the grueling art of pantomine, props, skits, etc.

After weeks of study the big test arrived . . . The Annual Blue Island Lions Club Fourth of July parade. The parade is the oldest and largest parade held in the South suburbs.

At the conclusion of the parade it was evident they had passed their first big test. Everyone loved them and they were an instant success.

Many leading newspapers, including the Chicago Tribune, as well as Chicago TV stations carried the event and printed feature articles which paid high compliments to the Park District and the Bedlamites.

Where do the Bedlamites go from here? They're not going to stop that's for sure. They have organized into a traveling troup of amateur clowns with their home base in the Blue Island Park District Fieldhouse basement. They are not professional . . . but they could be and they're going all out. In so doing, the clown group has found their own recreation . . . having fun making children and adults alike happy!

Director Murphy is pictured with the class in full make-up and dress preparing to "go on."

John Murphy is Director of the Blue Island Park District.

Illinois Parks and Recreation 8 January/February, 1973

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