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Position Referral


(Salary $8,500-12,500) Oversee development of brandnew 2100 acre park (700 acre lake). B.S. degree in parks and recreation or related field. Experience in landscape design, park planning, park management, and/or forestry helpful. Contact Mrs. Sally Rudolph, Member, McLean County Board Recreaation Committee, 10 Brookwood Drive, Normal, Ill. 61761.



(Salary $717 per month) depending on education and experience. B.S. Degree in Therapeutic Recreation. Will consider person with or without experience. Position open immediately. Contact: Mrs. Linda Kadlac, 2160 South First Avenue, Maywood, Illinois 60153. Telephone (312) 531-3242.

Illinois Parks and Recreation 33 January/February, 1973

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