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By Eugene Berghoff

A report recently issued by the American Society of Golf Course Architects showed that Illinois has more golfers than some states have people—the states being Nevada, Vermont, Wyoming and Delaware. The latest estimate puts the state's golfers at well over one-half million, with the ranks growing at the rate of 10% per year. The National Golf Foundation reports that Illinois now has one golf course for every 27,000 residents. The national average is one course for every 23,000 residents.

Illinois has had a 50% increase in golf courses during the past ten years with a total now of 538 golf courses.

With the golf population increasing at a rate of 10% per year, the construction of new golf courses will have to be stepped up in Illinois if we are to keep pace and provide proper facilities.

Well planned golf courses serve as a good foundation for park districts in Illinois and provide revenue to support many other recreational programs.

IAPD and IPRS believe that the democratic process functions best through frank and open discussion. Material published in this magazine, therefore often presents divergent and controversial points of view which do not necessarily represent the views or policies of the two sponsoring organizations.

By Kay Kastel

Congratulations are in order for several individuals and districts in Illinois. Tom Hall, "Wilmette," was elected for a two-year term as vice-president of the Ice Skating Institute of America.

The Conference Committee has been hard at work planning an excellent program for everyone. The results of their labors are found on the following pages. Review the program and register early.

The IPRS Personnel Standards Committee, under the chairwomanship of Marilyn Stroud, Lake Zurich, has worked months developing a top-notch plan for voluntary certification. Approved by the board, the new plan will be based on a point system that considers experience, professional development, and education. More explanation will be sent to all IPRS members.

The Champaign Park District has received a H.U.D. grant totaling $296,500 for development of a new park, and a five-year beautification program. Central Area Park District of Maywood received a H.U.D. grant totaling $226,375 for the acquisition and development of nine park sites. A session at the conference is planned to discuss present and future availability of such federal funds.

Anyone wishing to serve on next years IPRS Committees should contact Kay Kastel.

Dues for all Society members are due November 1, 1973. Remember that only current members are eligible for the reduced conference rate.

See you in November at the Conference—November 15-18.

Illinois Parks and Recreation 12 September/October, 1973

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