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position referral

MALE RECREATION SUPERVISOR (Salary open). B.S. Degree with one year experience. Strong background in athletics especially baseball, basketball, ice skating and tennis. Contact: Walter Johnson, 305 Randolph Street, Glencoe Park-Recreation District, Glencoe, Illinois 60022. Phone: 312 835-3030.

ATHLETIC DIRECTOR (Salary $9126-$11076). Degree plus 2 years experience. Contact: Ken Schultz, Skokie Park District, 4400 Grove St., Skokie 60076; (312) 674-1500. "Closing date September 20, 1973.

ASSISTANT ATHLETIC DIRECTOR (Salary $7,800-$9,126). Degree required. Contact: Ken Schultz, Skokie Park District, 4400 Grove St., Skokie, 60076; (312) 674-1500. *Closing date September 20, 1973.

SUPERINTENDENT OF PARKS (Salary $8,000 - $10,000). Degree or 4 years experience in park maintenance. Contact: Ned Bell, Administrator, Downers Grove Park District, 9835 So. Main, Downers Grove, Ill. (312) 963-4222. *Closing date: September 20, 1973.

MAINTENANCE SUPERVISOR (Salary open), plus fringe benefits. Experience in landscaping, maintenance of vehicles, electrical work, and carpentry. Send resume to c/o P. S. Bioletto, Foss Park District, 1708 Sheridan Road, North Chicago, Illinois 60064. *Closing date: September 25, 1973.

YOUTH CENTER DIRECTOR Salary ($8,000 to $10,000) plus benefits. A degree in recreation and one year experience preferred. Send resume to Foss Park District c/o P. S. Bioletto, Director, 1708 Sheridan Road, North Chicago, Ill. 60064. *Closing date: September 25, 1973.

MAINTENANCE MAN (Salary open). Experience in carpentry, landscaping, general maintenance, etc. Must be 25 years or older. Contact: Richard Reilly, Director, Oak Forest Park District, P.O. Box 315, Oak Forest, Ill. 60452. (312) 687-7270.

PROGRAM SUPERVISOR Salary ($8,811-$12,144 including benefits). Degree in Recreation or allied field and 1 year experience, or M.S. degree with part time experience. Registration with the IPRS Certification plan. Responsibilities include supervision, planning, and organizing leisure services for a progressive district. Contact: Marilyn Wolf, Supt. of Recreation, Homewood-Flossmoor Park District, 18350 Harwood Ave., Homewood, Ill. 60430.

INDOOR TENNIS CLUB MANAGER Salary $8,544-$11,736 including benefits). Degree in Recreation or allied field and 1 year tennis experience, or M.S. and part time experience. Registration with IPRS Certification plan desirable. Responsibilities include administration of indoor tennis facility and all community tennis programs. Contact: Ronald Holoch, Facilities Coordinator, Homewood-Flossmoor Indoor Tennis Club, 2920 West 183rd St., Homewood, Ill. 60430.

Illinois Parks and Recreation 29 September/October, 1973

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