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The St. Charles All-Stars lake 1st place in State and District IPRS Lassie 12" Slo Pitch Sotfball tournament held in St. Charles.

The Little Blue team from Lombard placed 2nd in the State Lassie tournament.

State Tournament Results

In the IPRS Men's 16" Soflball Tournament, the Buflalo Grove Bruins defeated St. Anthony's Savings of Berwyn 11-5 to win their first championship in this the Eighth Annual State Tournament hosted by the Des Plaines Park District.

The Sterling Park District tennis team look 1st place in the IPRS State Tournament held in Sterling. Aurora finished 2nd. Pictured is the Sterling team. (Front, l to r) Amy Eshleman, Julie Weinstine; (Standing l to r) Roby Yemm, John Wallin, Susan Ward, John Erickson, Bill James.

Illinois Parks and Recreation 19 November/December, 1973

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