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Ernie Nance (L) presents John Lagomarcino (R) with a resolution of thanks from the IPRS Board for NRPA's legislative action. Clarence Mayberry looks on.


The National Recreation and Park Association held a special meeting for legislative representatives of the state organizations in the Great Lakes Region. Robert Stuart, IAPD General Counsel; Kay Kastel, Executive Secretary IPRS; Ernie Nance, President IPRS; Al Weissburg, President-elect IAPD; Chuck Paxton, Zion Park District and Jim Ball, Roselle Park District were the representatives for Illinois.

John Lagomarcino, NRPA legislative counsel, led the discussion on current national issues and legislation affecting parks and recreation. NRPA is concerned with informing their members of current legislative developments and the impact of certain legislation on our field.

The committee chaired by Bob Goodrich, Indiana, began to develop an 8 state network which would inform key people in each state on pending national legislation, important hearings, and action needed to receive a response from Congress.

The Illinois Park and Recreation Society President, Ernest Nance, presented John Lagomarcino with a resolution passed by the IPRS Board on June 10, 1973, commending NRPA on their fine legislative work.

NRPA in turn pledged their continuing support for special revenue sharing to special districts. They realize the problems we face and will continue their strong stand in our behalf.

A list of the Illinois Congressional delegation, and of the Senator's and Representative's committees is available at the Society's office. Send a self addressed stamped envelope if interested.

Front Row, (L to R): John Greenslit, Michigan; Kay Kastel, Illinois Pk/Rec. Society's Executive Secretary; Robert Stuart, General Counsef for Illinois Assn. of Park Districts; Ernest Nance, President, Illinois Pk./Rec. Society. Back Row, (L to R): Clarence Mayberry, NPRA!; Robert Goodrich, Indiana; Jim Ball, Illinois; Leonard Kaloski, Iowa; John Lagomarcino, NPRA; Chuck Paxlon, Illinois; J. Bruce Swann, Indiana; John Boruff, Indiana. Not shown, but present at meeting: Al Weissburg, President-elect, Illinois Assn. of Park Districts.

Illinois Parks and Recreation 28 November/December, 1973

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