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From the desk of:

Executive Vice President

By Eugene Berghoff


At the last session of the Illinois General Assembly your Association promoted the passing of House Bill 966, entitled, Illinois Land Acquisition Act.

This provides three and one half million dollars and authorizes the Department of Conservation to make matching- grants to Local Governments (includes; park districts, forest preserves and conservation districts) to assist in the acquisition of open space lands.

Applications for the fiscal year 1974 must be on file with the Department of Conservation on or before April 15, 1974. All applications for grants will be considered before awarding any grants.

I urge any district desiring to participate in this program to direct their inquiries to:

Miss Pat Dennis
Federal Aid Administrator
Illinois Dept. of Conservation
605 State Office Building
400 South Spring Street
Springfield, Illinois 62706

This is another service provided by your Association in cooperation with the Illinois Department of Conservation.

Many districts would hope to have similar programs enacted by the State or Federal Government to provide them with additional revenues to carry out many of their programs.

The average American is enjoying and using more park facilities than ever before and it appears with the energy crisis we are now facing more people will be required to spend more and more of their leisure time in their own communities.

In order to provide these additional facilities and to maintain your present recreation areas there is no doubt that the State and Federal Government will be required to share additional tax revenues with park, conservation and forest preserve districts.

Your Association will continue to initiate and promote legislation to cause this to be a reality.

Illinois Parks and Recreation 3 March/April, 1974

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