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South Suburban Gets Involved

Viewing land leased from the Metropolitan Sanitary District by the Blue Island Park District are from left to right: Renee Schwartz, Newspaper Reporter; Raymond Schwartz, Chairman Building and Grounds Committee; Congressman Robert Hanrahan; John Adams, Research Assistant to the Congressman; John Murphy, Director Blue Island; Tim Schroeder, Director Alsip Park District.

The South Suburban Park and Recreation Director's Association hosted a "Legislative Banquet" on Friday, February 22nd in Hickory Hills. Local, state, and federal legislators along with the candidates from the encompassing area were wined, dined and introduced to the Park and Recreation field—learning just what we're all about.

Some of the more prominent people who attended were Congressman Robert Hanrahan's assistant Bruce Brizzolara, 3rd District; Senator Frank Ozinga, 8th District; Representative "Bus" Yourell, 8th District; Senator Jack E. Walker; Representative L. Michael Getty and Representative Thomas H. Miller, all 10th District; Representative John J. Beatty, 27th District; and George Burditt, candidate United States Senator." In all, twenty political figures attended the affair.

Over eighty park and recreation officials from eighteen south suburban park districts including: Country Club Hills, Alsip, Hickory Hills, Palos Heights, Oak Lawn, Palos Hills Recreation Department, Hometown Recreation Department, Blue Island, Lockport, Oak Forest, Bolingbrook, Frankfort, LaGrange, Chicago Heights, Dolton, Bridgeview, South Stickney and Bedford Park.

Live entertainment was provided by participating Park Districts and included a special recreation drummer, a karate demonstration, fashion show, a ballet class "Can Can" number, a senior citizens singing group and a guitar concert. Scott McNally, Oak Lawn Park District, presented two narrated slide shows titled "What is Recreation" and "Recreation Has Many Forms of Expression." The evenings entertainment was concluded with the performance of two belly dancers. Needless to say, everyone stayed till the end.

Overall, the planning that went into this affair to make it the success that it was, was time well spent. Many friends to the park and recreation field were made. Senator Jack Walker, 10th District invited his constituents from the Chicago Heights Park District to Springfield to testify, if need be, on legislation concerning parks and recreation. Congressman Robert Hanrahan, 3rd District, has since toured many parks within his district to see first-hand what our needs are, and has asked how he can help.

The Congressman also asked his constituents from the Oak Lawn Park District if they would be able to come to Washington to testify at hearings concerning the Better Communities Bill in an attempt to get favorable language concerning "special districts" introduced into the bill. Jane Barnes, candidate for 8th District state representative was so impressed with the importance of the recreation field, that she requested a list of all park commissioners and directors in the 8th District in order to talk to them about her position on recreation.

The immediate effects from this first attempt to meet with the legislators were very impressive. Many friends for park and recreation were made that evening.

Congressman Robert Hanrahan of the 3rd District loured many of the districts park and recreation facilities with John Murphy, Director, Blue Island Park District. The tour was organized to 1) acquaint the Congressman with park sites; 2) introduce him to the Directors and Commissioners in his district; 3) and to familiarize him with the problems of the local districts.

(left to right) In attendance at the Banquet: Bill Grainger, Country Club Park District; Spence McKenney, Hickory Hills Park District; Scott McNally, Oak Lawn Park District; Representative Bus Yourell, 8th District; Robert Hope, Oak Lawn Park District; Bruce Grizzolara, Legislative Assistant to Congressman Robert Hanrahan, 3rd District; Senator Frank M. Ozinga, 8th District.

Illinois Parks and Recreation 18 May/June, 1974

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