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By Kay Kastel

The IPRS golf outing was a great success. Congratulations are in order for Harry Hansen, Chairman of the event, and the Ways & Means Committee for their excellent planning.

There were over 100 participants who confronted obstacles such as rain, changeable weather, and many experienced duffers. The following are the IPRS golf champions: Tom Wojack lowest gross score; Mick Pope lowest net score; Bob Tamura, closest to the pin; Paul Derda, longest drive; Robyn Glick, highest score.

Many thanks goes to the Deerfield Park District for use of their golf course; and Stew Spikings for the steaks.

There are still openings in the IPRS tour to Denver. Contact the IPRS office for more information.

All IPRS voting members will soon receive proposed revisions to the Society's constitution. Please return your ballots to the IPRS office by the deadline date. Membership response is of utmost importance.

Congratulations are in order for the Hanover Park Park District who recently passed a bond issue.

The IPRS Board passed resolutions commending Marilyn Wolf, Homewood-Flossmoor, and Robyn Glick, Naperville for the excellent jobs they have performed as Board Members. Marilyn has left Illinois and will reside in North Carolina. Robyn will take residence in Nebraska. Good luck to both.

The Research Committee of IPRS is asking departments and individuals to submit any experiment or research project they have completed. These will be screened and presented to the membership at the conference.

The whole area of research is vital to the development of our field and everyone is encouraged to participate in the IPRS program. Send abstracts to Dr. Allen Sapora, University of Illinois, 107 Huff Gym, Champaign, Ill. 61820.

See you next month!

IAPD and IPRS believe that the democratic process functions best through frank and open discussion. Material published in this magazine, therefore often presents divergent and controversial points of view which do not necessarily represent the views or policies of the two sponsoring organizations.

Illinois Parks and Recreation 3 July/August, 1974

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