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"Relaxing while shopping downtown, seeing an old friend that you haven't seen in ages, having a warm cup of coffee. That's the Downtown Senior Citizens Center in Champaign. Watching an old-time movie, sitting in on an insurance consultation, and listening to a few records while reading the daily papers. That's also the senior citizens center."


by Les Somogyi

Early this year, the Champaign Park District, in cooperation with the Champaign City Council, opened a recreation center for elderly residents.

The fact that the center is one of its kind in Central Illinois became evident when senior citizens from several counties around here began migrating to see the center.

Last summer, the City Council was thinking about how to spend its federal revenue sharing funds. Several social service agencies put in requests for funding assistance. Although the park district did not request money, the city council, apparently trying to boost downtown business, offered $25,000 to the park board to run an old folks "drop-in" center.

The council's only stipulation was that the center be in the downtown area, preferably near the pedestrian mall which is now under construction and scheduled to be completed by Memorial Day.

The Park District began preparing a recommendation to the board regarding the center. They made a tentative recreational program and a budget for one year, totaling $25,000.

After several meetings with city officials, the park board finally approved the program and the council voted to transfer the revenue sharing funds to the park district.

In late December, park district staff found a suitably located store front room only a few feet away from the proposed shopping mall. Although the rent was steep, ($900 per month) the park board approved it and by mid-January the room was remodeled by park district maintenance crews. It now has a main floor, a balcony room and a basement.

A director was hired and today the center is one of the most popular facilities of the park district. Special musical and cultural events are scheduled often particularly for the eldery popuation. A group of merchants pledged to help the center as several donations have been made.

The park district bought a color television set, a couch and a couple of chairs, but individuals have donated some other used furniture.

A wide variety of recreation programs take place every week. Travel films, old time and silent movies are shown.

Illinois Parks and Recreation 6 July/August, 1974

Seniors stop at the Center for a rest after a hard day of shopping.

Many of the men play pool in the Recreation Room.

Instructions in card games, knitting and crocheting are offered. Experts in different fields are invited to speak on various subjects. A defensive driving seminar is scheduled by the Illinois State Police, cooking and electricity saving hints will be given by the Illinois Power Company personnel and other consultations will be held on trust funds, wills, social security, tax returns and insurance.

City officials are also pleased to see that the cooperative effort between the park district and the city is working out. If the center indeed proves to be a success, the city council will take "a second look" and may consider re-funding the project.

(Editor's note: Les Somogyi is a Reporter for the Courier of Champaign/ Urbana.)

Illinois Parks and Recreation 7 July/August, 1974

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