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Mobile Recreation takes the Program to the People

by J. R. Handlon
Director of Recreation

In Naperville, the Naperville Park District developed the mobile concept to bring entertainment activities to various segments of the community. The mobile concept was particularly appealing because of the economy of bringing various types of entertainment to a large variety of specialized interests.

The District's philosophy behind the mobile recreation program was to develop an entertainment program first. This concept was designed to make the people in the community aware of the unit and to begin to identify with it as something that brings fun and excitement.

To start the program in that direction, drama instructors from one of the local high schools were employed. Auditions were announced at the high schools and more than fifty teens tried out for a job in the program. The requirements included the ability to sing, dance, and act. There were ten teens selected. They began rehearsing a one act play, a puppet/marionette show, a musical and a variety show.

Each performance was taken to a different neighborhood every week night. The staff believed that the neighborhood residents would bring their blankets, lawn chairs and cushions to the site to watch the performance. That is exactly what happened. The first summer the unit played to a little less than 14,000 people. The second summer, the audiences totalled over 18,000.

Now families in Naperville do identify with the vehicle. "Here comes the Show Wagon" is the cry that is heard in neighborhoods as the vehicle rides through the streets.

Civic groups and neighborhood committees are constantly requesting the use of the unit for all types of functions. It is used extensively in community-wide celebrations such as the Labor Day weekend carnival, July 4th celebration, the Christmas and Memorial Day parades, the Chamber of Commerce's annual "Side Walk Sale Days," and senior citizen special events.

Naperville's First Craft Program that was started in a neighborhood park area.
The scheduling of the vehicle has become a problem as there are more requests for its use and performances than the staff can accommodate.

Mobile Recreation means bringing recreation to the people in their own neighborhoods, and according to the neighborhood requirements. By this method the Park District serves the neighborhoods and areas that are presently not provided with adequate recreation.

Plans are now being made to design and implement the activity concept into the vehicles usage.

The staff in Naperville plan a craft and sports activity program to be supplemented by a puppet show or improvisational audience-participation type play.

Time blocks are being set aside for special assignments such as the teen beach dances, community-wide special events and neighborhood block parties. Apartment complexes will also be serviced when they plan their special functions during the summer season.

When the Mobile Unit is scheduled into a neighborhood, the Park District can use small parks which have not been developed, school grounds, or neighborhood associations areas. A variety of crafts, dramatics, athletic programs, and game sessions can be set up for morning, afternoon and

Illinois Parks and Recreation 28 September/October, 1974

Naperville Park District's Instant Recreation Mobile Unit with Theater Group entertaining at one of six Senior Citizens Nursing Homes.

Instant Recreation Mobile Unit, used for continued entertainment for Sidewalk Days, sponsored by Naperville Chamber of Commerce and Park District.

evenings. Leadership and activities will depend upon the desire of the particular area or neighborhood.

The design of the vehicle was planned to accommodate varied uses. It has a 20' x 16' stage, a built-in P.A. system, one wall has bins and shelves to hold craft and athletic supplies. There is a counter and serving window on one side and a puppet and marionette window on the opposite side. Long extension cords were purchased and stored in the unit so that it could be plugged into an electrical source some several hundred feet away. The Park District will be purchasing a portable generator so the vehicle can be fully utilized in remote areas.

The Park District staff are believers in the mobile recreation concept. "It is providing the opportunity for man to play in his own backyard," says a staff member.

There are many uses for the mobile recreation unit and the Naperville Park District staff has planned programs for this year which encompass entertainment, special programs, activities for the specific neighborhood, senior citizen programs, and cooperative uses with the civic and institutional groups throughout Naperville.

Illinois Parks and Recreation 29 September/October, 1974

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