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From the desk of:

Executive Vice President

by Eugene Berghoff

There can be no question that a statewide association representing all park, forest preserve and conservation districts, as well as other public recreation agencies, is vital and essential for the purpose of guaranteeing adequate and effective park and recreational services for the people of the State of Illinois.

The Illinois Association of Park Districts is recognized as the most outstanding organization of elected park and recreation officials in the nation. Its achievements and leadership in the legislative field have been widely copied in other states.

Over the past 50 years the unselfish work and dedication of many officials, directors, staff and members has made this possible.

The primary need of park districts in Illinois today is the continuation of the development of a sound and practical legislative program designed to provide new sources of revenue and to actively oppose those legislative measures which would be detrimental to the existence of park districts as separate units of local government.

These problems can only be resolved with the active participation of all member districts. With your interest and support the park and recreation movement in Illinois will continue to grow.


The kind that would be missed,
or are you just contented
That your name is on the list?

Do you attend the meetings,
And mingle with the flock,
Or do you stay at your own home
And criticize and knock?

Do you ever work on committees,
To see there is no trick,
Or leave the work to just a few
and talk about the clique?

So attend your meetings often,
And help with hand and heart,
Don't be just a member
But take an ACTIVE part.

Illinois Parks and Recreation 3 September/ October, 1976

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