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by Kay Kastel Forest

IPRS will be changing its name and organization structure. The results of the election have been tabulated and the new constitution has passed by a 90% margin. Almost half of the ballots were returned. On September 15, 1976, IPRS will officially become the Illinois Park and Recreation Association. The transition will not be easy. The help of all of the membership will be needed in this changing time.

Since your dues expire on November 1, new membership forms will be available in early October. The applications for the Professional Society part of IPRA will take longer to process and it is important for you to respond as soon as you receive the new applications.

We will be in the process of forming the new sections and electing their leadership at the state conference. You should decide which section you will participate in- 1) Parks and Natural Resource Management, 2) Administration and Finance, 3) Recreation Programming, 4) Special Facilities, 5) Therapeutic, or 6) Student.

Plan now to attend the conference November 18 - 21. Over ninety excellent educational sessions have been planned in all areas of parks and recreation. Don't forget the pre-registration deadline is November 1—after that date the fee is increased.

Some of the members have experienced problems in receiving magazines and other mailings. One of the major problems in maintaining a good membership and mailing list is the constant changing of addresses, especially by the students. This is not only costly, but it takes time to process changes. In order that no mailings are lost to the dead letter post office, we need at least 8 weeks lead time in making changes. All members are urged to take time to fill out the new membership forms using their agency or business address. Students should use their home (permanent) and not their school address. IPRS is currently investigating new addressing systems to improve the communciation with all the members.

Election materials will be sent to voting members in October.

Make sure to vote for the new officers and board of IPRA.

This is one way to give direct input to the operation of YOUR organization!

Illinois Parks and Recreation 3 September/October, 1976

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