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what's up with

by John C. Cosentino

As people everywhere look forward to a summer filled with fun in the outdoors, so too, does the IPRS Student Branch. And this year especially, we in Student Branch, have cause to enjoy ourselves as we relax in the warm sun under clear, blue skies.

March and April were busy months for everyone involved in Student Branch. Kicking off this active period was the Commercial Recreation Workshop at Marriott's Great America in Gurnee, Illinois. This activity was very successful and drew a large crowd indeed.

On March 26th, 27th and 28th, the Student Branch held its Annual Spring Conference at East Bay Camp located near Hudson, Illinois. This year's conference was one of the best ever and it deserves special recognition.

The informal setting allowed students to fully experience and participate in many interesting workshops and discussions. Some of the topics covered were Armed Forces Recreation, Programming for the Bicentennial, Therapeutic Recreation for the Disabled, and Outdoor Education in the Wintertime. The American Camping Association, who was also present at East Bay Camp during this time, sponsored sessions related to outdoor recreation. This sharing of ideas complimented both programs and contributed greatly to socialization between the IPRS Student Branch and the American Camping Association.

The facilities at East Bay Camp were excellent. The food was delicious and all meals were served in the camp's dining room. The social activities provided were well planned and they greatly enhanced the fellowship among students and professionals alike. Everyone present will agree that the entire atmosphere of this year's Student Branch Conference was fantastic!

On April 8th, 9th and 10th, East Bay Camp was again the site of a very useful and interesting event. Parkland College hosted the ITRS Central Regional Workshop. The keynote speaker was Phyllis Ward on "Death and Dying." This, too, was a very successful workshop and one with a lot of content and value.

Finally, during the entire month of April, Student Branch members throughout the state were involved with the Tropical Plant Sales. This year's fund-raising event was a highly profitable one, thanks to the enthusiastic efforts of Tom Brimberry, our new President.

As another year passes on, we see new faces guiding our Student Branch. If you did not attend the April 3rd election meeting hosted by Western Illinois University, contact your local Campus Council Representatives immediately and find out who these fine people are. Have a pleasant and safe summer vacation!

Illinois Parks and Recreation 27 May/June, 1976

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