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By Kay Kastel Forest

By now all voting members of IPRS should have received ballots for the new constitution. You, as a member, have an opportunity to decide the direction of your professional society. It is important for you to fill out the ballot and return by the deadline.

The Task Force Committee has spent almost two years studying the current structure of IPRS and developing the new organization. Now it is your turn to respond. Any member who has questions should feel free to call the IPRS office or any of the Board members.

There are several more workshops/technical assistance seminars scheduled this year. The Cultural Arts seminar on Friday, August 13, will begin at 10:00 a.m. with a behind-the-scenes tour of Ravinia Park. Participants will learn how to organize successful concerts, art fairs, etc., and where to find financial resources and grants for the development of quality "arts" programs.

On Friday, August 27, Elmhurst will be the site of the seminar on the Techniques of Effective Park Management from 1:00-4:00 p.m. The sessions will include the following topics: developing a good maintenance system; organizing your department for better efficiency; what is the best way of communicating between staff and departments within your district; what are your priorities and methods to set them; how do you budget maintenance time and money. This seminar is designed to achieve a better under understanding of the actual operations of the park maintenance department and how it fits into the total operation of the agency.

The last seminar will be held September 17 at the University of Illinois, Champaign. Entitled "University Resources in Leisure Management and Programming," this seminar will use the excellent resources of the University staff in business, architecture, landscaping, the arts, and parks and recreation to conduct the sessions. All IPRS members will receive more information during August.

Even though there is no charge for IPRS voting members, you must register with the IPRS office in order to attend the seminars. The past workshops have been excellent, yet attendance has been low. We hope that more professionals will make use of this viable membership service and attend the up coming seminars. Continuing education is a way of bettering yourself, your agency and your profession.

Illinois Parks and Recreation 3 July/August, 1976

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