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Kingsbury Wildlife Park Opens

A new park developed over the past year by the Kingsbury Park District, Greenville, Illinois, Officially opened June 1, 1976.

The 100.2 acre park located on district owned property on the southeast edge of Governor Bond Lake is still in the process of being developed but currently offers a nature study area and hiking and horseback trails.

One of the unique features of the new park is the nature study area which includes the entire south part of the park.

Nestled on a point of land overlooking Governor Bond Lake, an old Cemetery at the new park has received a new lease on life. A rail fence has been placed around the cemetery, some of whose headstones date back to the early 1830's.

An authentic log cabin overlooking Governor Bond Lake to be used at the new Kingsbury Park District park as an information center.
An authentic log cabin overlooking the lake will eventually serve as an information center for individuals and groups taking advantage of the nature study area. In addition to providing a quaint information center, the log cabin will also give visitors to the park an idea of the way the early settlers of this area lived.

The new park will be open daily. Park District board president Bill Davidson stated the district would also eventually like to add a natural history museum and interpretive center somewhere near the entrance to the park.

The nature study area will not be developed except for making it accessible to the public via elevated board walks and hiking trails. Since one of the ideas behind the new park was to provide a wildlife refuge and place for the study of wild plants and animals, wind-breaks, dead trees, and dense undergrowth will be left undisturbed.


Arts Management and Programming School—The First

In order to meet the needs of training for the park, recreation and arts personnel, a new "Arts Management and Programming" school has been founded.

The purposes of the school are (1) to ensure an understanding and appreciation of the place the arts have in the quality of life; (2) to provide an educational setting to identify and explore principles and controversies currently facing various disciplines concerned with arts; (3) to expose students to the need for good policies, goals and objectives as a prerequisite to planning and conducting art programs; (4) to expose students to new technologies and tools of management as an aid in administering art programs; (5) to explore all possible fiscal, technical, volunteer and physical resources; and (6) to provide a learning setting for dialogue and exchange about good, current art program practices for different kinds of communities.

Scheduled to open February 27-March 3, 1977, the two year program will include classes in funding sources for the arts; grants-manship; personnel recruitment and supervision; technical assistance sources; programming for special populations; promotion and media relationships; use and importance of consultants; fiscal management; legal considerations such as contracts and liability; recycling use of facilities; facilities and space to fit the program; techniques of program planning; children's theatre; participatory arts and crafts; historic preservation and intrepretation, etc. Three exciting evening programs have been planned to combine education with entertainment.

Attendance at the school will be limited to 125, on a first-come-first-served basis. Persons interested in obtaining additional information about the new school, please contact Both Wilson, North Carolina State University, 4008 Biltmore Hall, Raleigh, NC 27607.


A number of individuals and organizations donated trees to the Sterling Park District under the Sterling Woman's Club Community Plan. Some of the donors are, left fo right, Mrs. Kenny Wilson of the Business and Professional Women; Mrs. Louise Honens of Business, Industry and Professional Women; Mrs. Earl Stanley of Association of American University Women; Frank Duis, director of Parks and Recreation presents a certificate of merit from the Park Board to Mrs. R. C. Browne, Community Improvement Chrm. of Sterling Woman's Club; Mrs. Duaine Hunsberger, Messiah Lutheran Ladies Aid; Mrs. Leonard Marcy and Mrs. Louis Taylor of Altrusa.

Illinois Parks and Recreation 17 July/August, 1976

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