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position referral

RECREATION CENTER DIRECTOR — Oak Park Recreation Department, Salary: $9,700-$12,700 and benefits. Will consider related field and/or experiences. Starting date August 1st. Contact Chuck Zept, Supt. of Recreation Centers, Village of Oak Park Recreation Department, 1 Village Plaza, Oak Park, Illinois 60302 (312) 383-6400, Ext. 210.


BUSINESS MANAGER—Park District of Highland Park, Salary: $15,000. Required: B.S. degree in Finance, Accounting or related field. Minimum three years' experience, preferably in Municipal Finance; two years experience with MBA. Knowledge of accounting, budgeting, internal audit, systems and control procedures. Contact Earle Hodgen, Assistant to the Director, Park District of Highland Park, 1801 Sunset Road, Highland Park, Illinois 60035.


SUPERINTENDENT OF GOLF ACTIVITIES—Park District of Highland Park, Salary: Open. Under direction of Director of Parks and Recreation, plans and organizes maintenance and improvements to golf course and related golf facilities. Demonstrated interest and experience in golf. Contact E. W. Nance, Director, Park District of Highland Park, 1801 Sunset Road, Highland Park, Illinois 60035. Closing date: August 6, 1976.


GOLF COURSE MANAGER/ ICE RINK ASSISTANT MANAGER—Salary $9,500 to $11,500. Requirements: Degree and experience preferred. Knowledge of golf and ice skating mandatory, plus management ability. Send resume to William E. Hughes, Director Parks and Recreation, Niles Park District, 7877 Milwaukee Avenue, Niles, Illinois 60648.

Illinois Parks and Recreation 19 July/August, 1976

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