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Report on the 1976 Congress for Recreation and Parks

by Henry C. Deihl, Past President, IAPD

In the last two years the National Park and Recreation Association has undertaken a self re-evaluation and has established a new direction. Boston, October 17-21, 1976, the setting of the Revolution, was an ideal site for the Conference, appropriate for reassessment of realistic goals for the future of the recreation and park organization on a national level.

Rich in content concerning critical issues facing parks and recreation today, the program for the conference was excellent. Environment, philosophy, future growth, shorter work week, mass leisure time, the leisure boredom syndrome, and the psychological need and ramifications of work and leisure were among the issues of concern. Consideration was given to professional development, establishing a criteria for curriculum, qualifications for personnel, programs for funding, and national coordination.

There was a unique twist this year for the Conference which was worth noting. One day was set aside to repeat the programs that were most heavily attended. This was a good procedure, as many people were unable to attend and had heard how enlighting and educational these programs were. This provided an opportunity for greater participation.

As Illinois is the oldest and most developed state commissioner organization in the country, the Illinois Association of Park Districts took leadership in providing a reception for all the commissioners and board members in the United States. This was very well attended and highly spoken of, as it gave an opportunity for the new commissioners to get involved and exchange ideas, problems, and mutual concerns. So successful was this reception, it is recommended to be an annual event and be extended to all members from Illinois, professionals as well as friends.

Attending a Congress such as the National Park and Recreation Congress is very important as it gives one an opportunity to see the direction the country and the world are going in regard to leisure, the new equipment that is being offered, the new ideas and concepts that have emerged, and makes one privy to some of the creative and abstract things that are going on in architecture, design, the new emerging areas of psycho-leisure, the study of leisure and its effect on man. This keeps one abreast with areas that are making tremendous changes and strides and have a direct effect on people, their leisure and their need for it.

Illinois Parks and Recreation 25 January/February, 1977

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