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IPRA highlites

by Kay Kastel Forest

The IPRA Board, Committees and Sections are in full swing planning activities for the members. A workshop brochure was mailed to all members.

Broadening our knowledge in the changing field of parks, recreation, conservation, therapeutics and leisure service should be one of our utmost concerns.

Mark these seminars on your calendar NOW and plan to attend.

—Innovative Program Ideas ...........March 4-5
—Therapeutic Midwest Symposium...March 24-26
—Natural Resource Stewardship..........March 26 & March 29
—Therapeutic Central Workshop ......April 14-16
—Therapeutic Northern Workshop ....April 28-30
—Selling Your Programs ................May 4
—*"Leadership Roles and Change Implementation in Community Groups...............May 12

Specific information and registration forms can be obtained by contacting the IPRA office.

This year IPRA will conduct the Full Time Salary and Fringe Benefit study for community recreators. If your department is contacted, we would appreciate your cooperation in completing and returning the survey. Bill O'Brien from SIU has graciously accepted the job of tabulating the results which will be available in November.

The IPRA Board has also approved a travel package to the NRPA Congress in Las Vegas. See page 13 for details.

Remember to pay dues for 1976-77. They were due last November. All unpaid members will be deleted from the mailing files this month.

See you next month.

*Special IPRA Management Seminar.


Governor James Thompson has officially declared Friday, April 29, 1977 Arbor Day. All districts and departments are urged to send us pictures of your Arbor Day activities.

Illinois Parks and Recreation 3 March/April, 1977

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