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Legal & Legislative Notes

by Robert A. Stuart General Counsel

William A. Redmond (D-Bensenville) was re-elected as Speaker of the House by unanimous ballot early in the Session. Senator Thomas C. Hynes (D-Chicago) was elected President of the Illinois Senate on February 16 on the 186th ballot after five weeks of voting.

The following Senate Committees have been appointed:

AGRICULTURE- Knuppel, Ch., Joyce, V-Ch., Buzbee, Clewis, Demuzio, Guidice, Wooten, Mitchler, M.S., Coffey, McMillan, Roe.

EXECUTIVE APPOINTMENTS- Vadalabene, Ch., D'Arco. V-Ch., Bruce, Donnewald, Hall, Hickey, Hynes, Johns, Rock, Smith. Ozinga, M.S., Graham, Moore, Philip, Shapiro, Soper, Walsh.

APPROPRIATIONS I-Carroll, Ch., Egan, V-Ch., Bruce, Daley, Hall, Hynes, Joyce, Lane, Lemke, Savickas. Sonner, M.S., Bloom Coffey, Grotberg, Rupp, Regner, Weaver.

APPROPRIATIONS II- Buzbee, Ch., Vadalabene, V-Ch., Clewis, Donnewald, Guidice, Hickey, Johns, Netsch, Rock, Smith. Regner, M.S., McMillan, Nimrod, Schaffer, Sommer, Rhoads, Weaver.

ELECTIONS-Kosinski, Ch., Smith, V-Ch., Chew, D'Arco, Demuzio, Maragos, Wooten, Roe, M.S., Hall, McMillan, Rhoads.

ELEMENTARY EDUCATION-Berman, Ch., Hickey, V-Ch., Buzbee, Clewis, Collins, Guidice, Newhouse. Davidson, M.S., Glass, Schaffer, Shapiro.

HIGHER EDUCATION-Hickey, Ch., Newhouse, V-Ch., Buzbee, Morris, Netsch, Vadalabene, Washington. Nimrod, M.S., Davidson, Grotberg, Walsh.

EXECUTIVE-Wooten, Ch., Lemke, V-Ch., Bruce, Donnewald, Hall, Hynes, Johns, Knuppel, Kosinski, Rock, Graham, M.S., Moore, Ozinga, Philip, Regner, Sommer, Soper.

FINANCE-Demuzio.Ch., Kosinski, V-Ch.. Carroll, Chew, Merlo, Morris, Wooten. Bloom, M.S., Berning, Ozinga, Weaver.

INSURANCE-Lane, Ch., Guidice, V-Ch., Berman, Kosinski, Merlo, Morris, Washington. Philip, M.S., Berning, Rupp, Soper.

JUDICIARY I-Daley, Ch., Sangmeister, V-Ch., Berman, Carroll, Guidice, Lemke, Maragos. Moore, M.S., Glass, Ozinga, Roe.

JUDICIARY II-Netsch, Ch., Washington, V-Ch., D'Arco, Egan, Knuppel, Newhouse, Sangmeister. Bowers, M.S., Moore, Soper, Walsh.

LABOR-Savickas, Ch., Collins, V-Ch., Daley, Kosinski, Lemke, Maragos, Sangmeister. Hall, M.S., Glass, Nimrod, Regner.

LOCAL GOVERNMENT - Joyce, Ch., Clewis, V-Ch., Daley, Demuzio, Merlo, Savickas, Vadalabene. Grotberg. M.S., Coffey, Rupp, Weaver.

PENSIONS-Merlo, Ch., D'Arco, V-Ch., Collins, Egan, Joyce, Lane, Washington. Berning, M.S., Bowers, Hall, Mitchler.

PUBLIC HEALTH-Smith, Ch., Chew, V-Ch., Berman, Collins, Lane, Netsch, Newhouse. Schaffer, M.S., Bowers, Rhoads, Shapiro.

REVENUE-Egan, Ch., Maragos, V-Ch., Bruce, Donnewald, Hall, Johns, Rock. Walsh, M.S., Glass, Hall, Mitchler.

TRANSPORTATION-Chew, Ch., Morris, V-Ch., Carroll, Knuppel, Lemke, Sangmeister, Savickas. Coffey, M.S., Bloom, Davidson, Rupp.

The following House Committees have been appointed:

AGRICULTURE-Schisler, Ch., O'Daniel, V-Ch., Dunn, Mulcahey, Richmond, Byers, Darrow, Satterthwaite, Christensen, Hanahan, Brummer, Harris, Rigney, (S), Friedrich, Anderson, Ewing, Adams, Hoxsey, Reilly, Wikoff.

APPROPRIATIONS I-Matijcvich, Ch., Kozubowski, V-Ch., Darrow, Tipsword, Kane, Leverenz, Luft, O'Daniel, Richmond, Younge, Harris Matejek, Mudd, McPike, Christensen. Cunningham, (S), Totten, J. D. Jones, Friedland, Dunn, Kent, Skinner, J. Barnes, Schuneman, Winchester, Hoxsey, Reilly.

APPROPRIATIONS II-Barnes, Ch., J. Houlihan, V-Ch., Birchler, Byers, Dunn, Jones, Kosinski, Madison, Mulcahey, Hanahan, Van Duyne, McGrew, McClain, Satterthwaite, Brummer, Peters, (S), McBroom, Kempincrs, Lauer, Polk, Anderson, Steele, Abramson, J. Davis, Edgar, L. Martin, Wikoff.

CITIES AND VILLAGES-Taylor, Ch., Williams, V-Ch., Dunn, Mudd, Richmond, Yourell, Brummer, McLendon, Pechous, Shumpert, Mahar, (S), Klosak, Sevcik, Miller, Hoxsey, Martin, Stanley, Wikoff.

COUNTIES AND TOWNSHIPS-Yourell, Ch., Kelly, V-Ch., Lucco, Nardulli, Sharp, Williams, O'Brien, Brady, Steczo, Flinn, McMaster, (S), Dyer, Ewing, Reed, Adams, Boucek, Pullen, Sumner.

ELECTIONS - Laurino, Ch., Mugalian, V-Ch., Domico, Robinson, Pouncey, Giglio, Terzich, Capparelli, Schisler, Garmisa, Bluthardt, (S), Collins, Klosak, Sevcik, Macdonald, Mahar, McAuliffe, Stanley.

ELEMENTARY AND SECONDARY EDUCATION-Schneider, Ch., Sharp, V-Ch., Chapman, Lucco, Madison, Marovitz, McGrew, Mulcahey, Satterthwaite, Brady, Stuffle, Steczo, Levin, Bowman, Polk, (S), Walsh, Hoffman, Tuerk, Deuster,

Illinois Parks and Recreation 8 March/April, 1977

Griesheimer, McCourt, Porter, Anderson, Gaines, Keats.

ENVIRONMENT, ENERGY AND NATURAL RESOURCES-Flinn, Ch., Getty, V-Ch., VanDuyne, Pierce, Hart, Williams, Bowman, Kelly, Parley, Dawson, Geo-Karis, (S), Myers, McMaster, Bartulis, Macdonald, Reed, Antonovych, Catania.

EXECUTIVE-Capparelli, Ch., Mudd, V-Ch., Garmisa, Kozubowski, Luft, Taylor, Terzich, Tipsword, Younge, Yourell, Pouncey, McLendon, Kornowicz, Beatty, Murphy, Kent, (S) Collins, McBroom, Hudson, Kempiners, Kucharski, Peters, J. Barnes, Stearney, Winchester, Miller.

FINANCIAL INSTITUTIONS-Hart, Ch.. Brandt, V-Ch., Caldwell, Giglio, Jacobs, Jones, Kornowicz, Von Boeckman, Younge, Schisler, Kelly, Holewinski, Harris. McPike, McBroom, (S), McAvoy, Neff, Wall, Friedland, Simms, Conti, Sandquist.

HIGHER EDUCATION - Ewell, Ch., McGrew, V-Ch., Birchler, Greiman, Kane, Lucco, Mautino, Mann, Brady, Stuffle, Lauer, (S), Walsh, J. D. Jones, Dunn, Ebbeson, Dyer, Bennett, Johnson.

HUMAN RESOURCES - Chapman, Ch., Jaffe, V-Ch., Holewinski, Madison, Marovitz, Mugalian, Wilier, Martin, Robinson, Steczo, Pechous, O'Brien, Huff, Levin. Gaines, (S), Bluthardt. Edgar. Keats, Deuster, Griesheimer, Pullen, Molloy, Skinner, Stanley, Sumner.

INSURANCE-Tipsword, Ch., Jones, V-Ch., Von Boeckman, Vitek, Kane, Brummer, McPike, DiPrima, Nardulli, Matejek, Kempiners, (S), McAvoy, Wall, Klosak, Bartulis, Schuneman, Davis, Sandquist.

JUDICIARY I-Mann, Ch., D. Houlihah, V-Ch., Beatty, Getty, Greiman, Holewinski, Jaffe, Marovitz, Pierce, Hart, Huff, Breslin, Leinenweber, (S), Schlickman, Meyer, Deuster, Griesheimer, Porter, Daniels, Antonovych, Bennett, Johnson, Sandquist.

JUDICIARY II-Katz, Ch., Kosinski. V-Ch., Ewell, Getty, D. Houlihan, Mann, Wilier, Byers, Darrow, Breslin, Martin, Greiman, Steamey, (S), Schlickman, Cunningham, Catania, Geo-Karis, Leinenweber, Daniels, Abramson, Antonovych, Boucek, Johnson.

LABOR AND COMMERCE-Jacobs, Ch., Parley, V-Ch., Brandt, Caldwell, Kornowicz, Mautino, Dawson, Doyle, Murphy, Shumpert, Simms, (S), Schoeberlein, Tuerk, Hudson, Ebbesen, Miller, Walsh, Keats.

MOTOR VEHICLES-Von Boeckman, Ch., Giglio, V-Ch., Barnes, Jones, McClain, Sharp, Leverenz, Laurino, Koskinski, Breslin, Totten, (S), Campbell, Schoeberlein, Wolf, McAuliffe, McCourt, Huskey, Daniels.

PERSONNEL AND PENSIONS-McLendon, Ch., Terzich, V-Ch., Capparelli, Taylor, Stuffle, Shumpert, Kornowicz, Farley, O'Brien, Pouncey, Bartulis, (S), Wolf, Tuerk, Simms, McCourt, Rigney, Huskey, Gaines.

PUBLIC UTILITIES-Caldwell, Ch., Lucco, V-Ch., Ewell, Mugalian, Sharp, Levin, Martin, Pechous, Bowman, Schneider, Schoeberlein, (S), Neff, Hoffman, Pullen, Conti, Kucharski, Molloy Stearney.

REVENUE-Pierce, Ch., Beatty, V-Ch., Capparelli, Domico, Parley, Flinn, Mautino, Mugalian, Pouncey, Terzich, O'Brien, Dawson, Doyle, Jaffe, Dunn, (S), Ewing (VS), Campbell, Jones, Dyer, Hudson, Macdonald, Rigney, Bennett, Edgar, Sumner.

RULES-Redmond, Ch., Katz, Madigan, Davis, Giorgi, Lcchowicz, Bradley, Brummet, Greiman, D. Houlihan, Flinn, Sharp.

TRANSPORTATION - Garmisa, Ch., McClain, V-Ch., Barnes, Dunn, Giglio, Williams, Shumpert, Huff, Laurino, Kozubowski, Skinner, (S), Winchester, (VS), Neff, Kent, Kucharski, McAuliffe, Huskey, Steele.

VETERANS AFFAIRS, REGISTRATION & REGULATION-DiPrima, Ch.. Nardulli, V-Ch.. Jacobs, Dawson, Vitek, Brandt, Doyle, Kelly, Murphy, Domico, Campbell, (S). McAvoy, Wall, Sevcik, Geo-Karis, Friedrich, Catania, Adams.

The following Bills of interest to Park Districts have been introduced:

Senate Bills introduced:

S.B. 129 (Knuppel)-Amends act prohibiting discrimination in employment for public works. Provides contractors and agents shall not discriminate on basis of sex. (Ch. 29, Pars. 20 and 24)

S.B. 169 (Glass, et al)-Amends The Park District Code. Extends years for levy of tax to create working cash fund through 1980. Validates park district action taken prior to October 1, 1976. Effective immediately. (Ch. 105, Par. 11.2-2)

House Bills introduced:

H.B.31 (Cunningham, et al)— Authorizes investment of public funds in bank savings accounts insured by Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation. (Ch. 85, Par. 902)

H.B. 52 (Deuster, et al)-Amends Parental Responsibility Law. Raises limits of liability from $500 to $1,000.(Ch. 70, Par. 55)

H.B. 54 (Yourell, et al)-Amends Workmens Compensation Act. Eliminates provision that carrier must pay into reinsurance pool. (Ch. 73, Par. 1084)

H.B. 63 (Yourell, et al)—Amends Act relating to state revenue sharing. Adds park districts to list of eligible recipients. Effective January 1, 1977.(Ch. 85, Par. 613)

H.B. 79 (Mautino)-Amends Park District Code. Removes referendum requirements to establish paving, lighting and police tax. (Ch. 105, Pars. 5-6 and 5-9)

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H.B. 83 (Marovitz)-Lifeline bill. Amends Public Utilities Act to limit rates. Could result in increased utility bills to park districts. (Ch. 111-2/3, Par. 37.1)

H.B. 84 (Wilier, et al)-Amends the Election Code to provide for polls to be open from 7:30 a.m. to 7:30 p.m. (now 6 a.m. to 6 p.m.).

H.B. 96 (Lucco)—Amends Election Code. Fixes compensation of election judges at $40.00 per day. (Ch. 46, Par. 13-10)

H.B. 117 (Satterthwaite)—Amends Election Code. Reduces residency requirement from 6 months to 30 days. (Ch. 46)

H.B. 191 (Kornowicz, et al) — Amusement Ride Safety Act. Requires inspection and permits from Division of Safety Inspection. (New Act)

H.B. 195 (Walsh, et al)-Amends Ethics Act to define "calendar year" and extend period for filing economic interests statement. (Ch. 24)

H.B. 199 (Leinenweber, et al)—Amends Revenue Act. Provides for apportionment of taxes in cases of overlapping taxing districts. (Ch. 120, Par. 645a)

H.B. 208 (Totten, et al)-Amends Municipal Code. Eliminates requirement that clerk publish copies of treasurer's annual account. Provides in lieu thereof publication of notice that treasurer's account is on file for public inspection. (Ch. 24, Pars. 3-10-5.1, 3-10-5.2 and 3-10-5.3)

H.B. 217 (Pouncey)-Appropriates $1,250,000 as grant to Chicago Park District for fieldhouse in Lindblom Park.

H.B. 262 (Levin)—Creates Juvenile Vandalism Prevention Act. Makes parents or guardians liable for fines not paid by minor. (New Act)

H.B. 295 (Walsh)—Amends Insurance Code. Creates assigned risk arrangements for providing liability insurance coverage to units of local government. (Ch. 73, New Pars.)

H.B. 297 (VonBoeckman, et al)—Provides state reimburse units of local government for increased cost caused by state laws enacted after January 1, 1978. (New Act)

H.B. 306 (MacDonald) - Amends Park District Code. Changes term "highway" to "arterial street," as defined in Section 1-104 of Illinois Vehicle Code in provision relative to annexation. (Ch. 105, Par. 3-9)

H.B. 309 (Holewinski, et al)-Amends Illinois Governmental Ethics Act. Expands persons for whom filing required. Requires disclosure of federal and state income tax returns and economic interests of spouses and dependent children. (Ch. 127)

H.B. 311 (Levin, et al)-Lifeline public utilities bill. (See H.B. 83)

H.B. 329 (Schlickman)—Local Government Land Use Planning and Management Act. Repeals law authorizing zoning by counties, municipalities and townships. (Ch. 24)

H.B. 360 (Polk, et al)-Amends State Park District Act. Provides no park may not be alienated except by law. (Ch. 105, New par. 467a)

H.B. 362 (Mautino)-Appropriates $1,000,000 for grant to Chicago Park District for fieldhouse in Lindblom Park.

H.B. 597 (Jaffe, et al)-Authorizes school district to transfer property to other units of local government (including park districts).

H.B. 607 (Friedrich, et al)—Amends Ethics Act. Exempts persons elected to local government position where pay other than reimbursement for expense is less than $1,000 per year from filing requirement. (Ch. 24)

The following items were approved as being included in the Legislative Program of the Illinois Association of Park Districts and the Illinois Park and Recreation Association by the Legislative Committee:

1. Amendment to add park districts to the list of local governmental units eligible to receive state revenue sharing funds. (H.B. 63)

2. Amendment of Park District Code to remove all referendum requirements for all park districts to levy paving, lighting and police taxes. (H.B. 79)

3. Amendment of Revenue Act to create "Park Districts Distribution Fund" from a portion of net revenue realized from Illinois income tax with monthly distribution to park districts on general basis of population. (Reintroduction of provisions of H.B. 1779 and S.B. 880-79th General Assembly.)

4. Amendment of Illinois Lottery Act to provide for distribution of unclaimed lottery prize monies to park districts on general basis of population. (Reintroduction of bill introduced in 79th General Assembly by Senator Robert W. Mitchler)

5. Amendment of Working Cash Fund Bill to validate all working cash funds established under the provisions of Article 11.2 of The Park District Code regardless of time original resolution was adopted. (S.B. 169)

6. Amendment of Sections 3-12 and 3-13 of The Park District Code relating to disconnection from one park district and annexation to another.

7. Amendment of Section 5-9 of The Park District Code to authorize the use of police tax proceeds for contracting for a police system, as well as the organization and maintenance of a police system.

8. Amendments to Section 4-4 of The Park District Code to further clarify provisions relating to the adoption and publication procedures of the combined budget and appropriation ordinance.

9. Amendment of Liquor Control Act to permit the sale of alcoholic beverages in buildings

Illinois Parks and Recreation 24 March/April, 1977

owned by the park district and the licensing or registration of such park districts by the State of Illinois for such purpose.

10. Amendment of The Park District Code to authorize a park district to levy and collect an additional tax of not to exceed .05% for the purpose of planning, establishing and maintaining recreational programs (subject to direct referendum).

11. Amendment of Utility Tax Act to exclude park districts from the assessment and collection of utility taxes.

12. Amendment to clarify and correct existing discrepancies in Sections 2-10a and 2-12a of The Park District Code relating to the increase of the size of park board to 7 members and the shortening of the length of term from 6 years to 4 years.

13. Amendment of Sections 2-12 and 2-13 of The Park District Code to clarify and correct discrepancies in the time for changing the time of election from the first Tuesday to the third Tuesday in April; to authorize the determination by the park district of the number of precincts to be established and the appointment of judges therefor without reference to the judges of the township election or the number of precincts in the township.

14. Amendment of Section 8-1 (c) of The Park District Code to provide that all contracts for supplies, materials or work involving an expenditure of less than $5,000 may be entered into without bidding and public advertisement.

*15. Amendment of Section 5-1 of The Park District Code to increase limitation on general corporate levy to .15% (with backdoor referendum) and increase to .35% (with direct referendum).

*16. Amendment to The Park District Code to authorize levy of a tax of not to exceed .05% for the purpose of acquiring open space (fund to be limited to said purpose only).

* 17. Amendment to authorize levy of tax sufficient to pay workmens compensation insurance premiums for the purpose of complying with other statutory requirements.

*18. Amendment of Park District Code to eliminate necessity for second ballot on referendum for general obligation bond increase to .05% limitation.

* Recommendations received from the Legislative Committee of The Illinois Park and Recreation Association.

Those items of legislation set forth in the Legislative Program and which have not already been introduced are in the process of review and preparation in the Legislative Reference Bureau.

Illinois Parks and Recreation 25 March/April, 1977

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