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position referral

DIRECTOR OF PARKS & RECREATION-Salt Creek Rural Park District-Salary: $13,500-open, B.S. in Park Administration and at least two years experience working directly with the Board of Commissioners or related experience will be accepted. Please send resume to: James DeVos/Board of Commissioners, Salt Creek Rural Park District, 530 So. Williams, Palatine, Illinois 60067-Phone (312) 259-6890.


DIRECTOR OF SPECIAL RECREATION—Fox Valley Special Recreation Assn. Salary: $14,000-$ 18,000. B.S. in Therapeutic Recreation or related field. 2 years Supervisory/Administrative experience required. CONTACT: Mr. John C. Whitcher, Asst. Dir. Parks and Rec., St. Charles Park District, 101 S. 2nd St., St. Charles, Illinois 60174. CLOSING DATE: May 1, 1977.

Illinois Parks and Recreation 25 March/April, 1977

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