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CARL F. FUERST recently announced the establishment of a new association of talent and expertise to serve as planning and design consultants for the park, recreation and leisure fields. His new firm, Carl F. Fuerst, Leisure Planning and Design Associates, has opened offices in Mt. Prospect, Illinois, and in Cuyahoga Falls, Ohio.

Carl, in making the announcement, indicated that he has assembled a technical team of professionals in recreation planning, park design, marketing research, architecture, landscape architecture, engineering, education and business fields. "Our planning and design teams will be organized to meet the unique and specific requirements of our clients' leisure needs," states Fuerst, "regardless of their location and corporate or business affiliations."

Carl's experience in parks and recreation is varied and includes thirteen years as Director of Parks and Recreation in Cuyahoga Falls, Ohio. In 1969 he opened the National Recreation and Park Assn. Regional Service Center in Des Plaines, and served through 1972 as Regional Director. For the past five years he has been the Executive Vice President of McFazhean and Everly Ltd..

During his career he has provided leisure consulting and planning service to over two hundred communities and businesses throughout the United States. He has also been an active participant in state and national park and recreation conferences, and has been a guest lecturer at many colleges and universities.


Chicago based Austin Sportswear, Inc. announced the promotion of JEFFERY MOLETERNO to the position of General Manager of the firm. In his new position Mr. Moleterno will be responsible for all phases of internal activity, including Austin's new First Aid Supply division. With the firm since 1970, Mr. Moleterno, a resident of Chicago, was educated at Roosevelt University and The School of the Art Institute of Chicago. LARRY PASQUISI has been promoted to Production Director replacing Mr. Moleterno. In this position, Mr. Pasquisi controls Austin's daily production output, inventory control and directs the firms multi-thousand piece direct mail programs. Pasquisi, a resident of Highland Park is a 1974 graduate of Northern Illinois University.


HENRY "IRISH" O'REILLY has been appointed Executive Director of Parks for the Kankakee Valley Park District. He possesses a Bachelor of Science Degree in Health, Physical Education and Recreation from Illinois State University, and he is presently in the process of completing an Education Specialist Degree in Administration. Besides possessing a strong academic background, Mr. O'Reilly has worked five years at the high school level and four and one-half years at the community college level. He has been a teacher, department chairman, athletic coach and administrator. Also, he spent one summer as Assistant Recreation Director for the Kankakee Valley Park District.

Mr. Henry "Irish" O'Reilly is completely familiar with the park district operation, as he has served as a Park Commissioner the past nineteen months and has been very active on various Park District committees.


FRANK DEATELY has been named Program Supervisor for the City of Galesburg's Park and Recreation Department. DeAtely received his Bachelor of Science degree from the University of Illinois. Before coming to Galesburg he worked in numerous capacities for the Champaign Park District and completed part of his fieldwork training with the Arlington Heights Park District. His responsibilities will be the operation of the cities indoor pool, beach swimming facility and all athletic oriented programming.


CARYN WORCESTER, has been recently appointed to the position of Recreation Supervisor for the St. Charles Park District. Caryn is a graduate of Western Illinois University in Recreation and Park Administration. Her major responsibilities will include an extensive teen program, senior citizen programs and female related programs."


JUDITH BERGH, has been appointed to Recreation Supervisor for the Salt Creek Rural Park District. Miss Bergh brings new culture thoughts to Recreation Programs and to the Community.

Judith earned her B.S. from Miami-Ohio and has most recently worked for the Elmhurst Park District in numerous supervisory positions part-time. Judith replaces Mr. Jack Fritsche who resigned to take a position with the Arlington Heights Park District.


JOHN F. BRUNS has recently been appointed to the position of Superintendent of Recreation for the West Chicago Park District. A graduate of Western Illinois University where he is presently working on his Masters Degree, John has also received an A.A.S. Degree from Parkland College. John served as President of the I.P.R.A. Student Branch in 1974-75 and received the Distinguished Student Award from N.P.R.A. in 1975. John has worked for the Champaign and Peoria Park Districts and served as an intern for the Metropolitan Dade County Florida (Miami) Park and Recreation Department.


JOSEPH A. POWER was appointed the general attorney of the Chicago Park District.

Power succeeds Richard J. Troy,

Illinois Parks and Recreation 32 March/April, 1977

who became a Commissioner of the Metropolitan Sanitary District of Greater Chicago.

Power served for nine years as presiding judge of the Criminal division of the Circuit Court of Cook County. He was elected to the Municipal Court bench in 1954 and subsequently elected to the Circuit Court.

He graduated from the Loyola University Law School in 1938 as president of his class. He is a past grand knight of Madonna Council of the Knights of Columbus and past commander of Stockyards Post of the American Legion. He has also been a member of the executive committee of the Illinois Judicial Conference.


MR. ALVIN J. KELLER, Fiscal Management Advisor for the State of Illinois, Department of Local Government Affairs has been named to the National Advisory Committee of the Municipal Finance Officers of the United States and Canada.

The Committee is being formed to study "Innovative Financial Policy, Planning and Management for Smaller Governmental Units." The study is being funded by the National Science Foundation, and is both timely and relevant. It comes at a time when municipal finances are under strain, and local government officials must increasingly allocate limited resources efficiently.

The National Advisory Committee brings together policy makers and practioners from state and local government, who are knowledgeable in local government as well as budgetary and financial management.

Mr. Keller is well known to the members of our Association having appeared as a speaker on numerous occasions, worked individually with many of our districts, and was instrumental in the development of the "Fiscal Management Manual for Illinois Park Districts."


(Photo: LeRoy Kalmes receives gavel from MIPE Past President Del Seibert)
LEROY KALMES, Superintendent of Parks at Skokie Park District officially assumed the office of President of the Mid-West Institute of Park Executives on Friday, January 14, 1977 at the annual meeting.

The Mid-West Institute of Park Executives (MIPE) was organized in 1946 for the purpose of enabling those involved with park maintenance and design, the opportunity to share common problems and solutions.

The over 200 members of MIPE represent Park Districts and Forest Preserve Districts from Illinois, Indiana, and Wisconsin. MIPE monthly meetings reaches into all aspects of the field from facility construction and maintenance to turf and shrub care.


The Lowell Park Nature Center, for the Dixon Park District, has gotten underway with ground breaking ceremonies. Pictured are: (Right) Ralph Contreras, Park Board President Barry Vail, Kiwanis President and Richard Sedowski, Director-Parks & Recreation. The Nature Center will be a 28' x 32' structure that will contain a classroom, and a museum. The Center is being constructed entirely by the Kiwanis through a travelogue series in the Community.

Illinois Parks and Recreation 33 March/April, 1977

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