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From the desk of:

Executive Vice President

by Eugene Berghoff

The most highly respected person in the field of State and local government and especially the local tax structure is Maurice C. Scott, Executive Vice President, Taxpayers Federation of Illinois.

After thirty years with the Taxpayers' Federation of Illinois, Maurice will retire following the adjournment of the Illinois General Assembly this year.

I do not have to point out to our members how he has assisted our Association down through the years in passing legislation favorable to park, conservation and forest preserve districts.

He has attended a number of our annual conferences, appeared on panels, and has received several awards from our organization, among these a Honorary Life Membership in 1967, in recognition of his interest and support.

Maurice was born in 1914 in Rochester, Illinois, a small community southwest of Springfield, Illinois, and was a school teacher and then went on to Lincoln College of Law and received his law degree in 1941.

On July 1, 1946, he joined the Taxpayers' Federation of Illinois as the attorney and head of legal research.

Ten years later, he was named executive vice president, a position he still holds.

Maurice has served on many State boards and commissions to study the problems of local government, but the highlight of his public life was serving as a delegate to the Constitutional Convention of 1970.

Legislators, governors, and local officials from throughout Illinois have sought his advice at one time or another on tax legislation.

I have been appointed to a committee with many of his other friends throughout Illinois to honor Maurice C. Scott, June 8, 1977, at the Holiday Inn East, Springfield, Illinois. It is my hope that many park officials will join with us in attending this event to honor our friend.

On behalf of the Association, I wish to express to Maurice our thanks for his support and to wish him many years of happy retirement.

Illinois Parks and Recreation 3 May/June, 1977

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