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IPRA highlites

by Kay Kastel Forest

Did you know that each year individual park districts, municipal departments, and other agencies conduct at least 50 to 100 different surveys having to do with parks and recreation?

Did you know that surveys have been taken on golf course operations, salaries of business managers, maintenance operations, manpower structures, intergovernmental relations, indoor pools, etc.? Neither did I.

IPRA urges anyone who conducts a survey on any facet of parks and recreation to send the results to the IPRA office for the library. Not a month goes by when some professional requests information on a various topic or recent survey completed. We can not give accurate responses if we are not informed on what is being done. We need to open the lines of communication between all members. Good survey results can be published in the newsletters.

The IPRA Research Committee will conduct a survey of professionals to see what type of practical research they would like the Association to perform as a service to members. The results will provide a basis for the IPRA research projects in the future.

The 1977 Salary Survey of full time employees was mailed in April to all directors. These should be completed immediately and returned to Bill O'Brien, Southern Illinois University, Carbondale, Illinois. The results will be available in the fall.

The Recreation Programming Section will conduct a survey on part time recreation salaries. This will be sent to the recreation directors/superintendents of all agencies. Results will be distributed to all survey participants.

Don't forget that deposits on the IPRA Tour to Las Vegas for the NRPA Congress are due no later than June 15. After that time we will have to release any space in the conference headquarters— the MGM. Reservation space is limited and is on a first come-first serve basis. Do not delay.

Once again I enter my plea for quality magazine articles. Let us know about your problems, solutions, and ideas. Use of our magazine as a communicative tool provides education for all. See you next issue.

Illinois Parks and Recreation 3 May/June, 1977

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