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by Eugene Berghoff, Executive Vice President

Any bills introduced in the 80th Illinois General Assembly affecting park, forest preserve, and conservation districts specifically or local government are important.

The Joint Legislative Committee of I.A.P.D.-I.P.R.A. reviewed our legislative program on April 20, 1977 and listed the following key bills that should be enacted into law. I urge all member districts to place this report on the agenda of their May board meeting for discussion and adopt a resolution supporting this legislation and to contact members of the Illinois General Assembly from their districts requesting they support the following Bills:

H.B. 63 - YOURELL ET AL- Amend Act relating to state revenue sharing. Adds park district to list of eligible recipients. Effective January 1, 1977. (Assigned to City and Villages Committee .)

H.B. 79- MAUTINO-Amends the Park District Code to permit all districts to levy a 1/2 cent Police Tax, 1/2 cent Street Lighting and Paving Tax. (3rd reading—House.)

H.B. 1265 - MAUTINO ET AL-Creates Park Districts Distribution Fund which will receive 1/48 of net revenue from state income tax as part of state revenue sharing. (2nd reading-House.)

H.B. 1306 — HART—Makes it permissive rather than mandatory for a park district to use township election judges when park district and township elections are held at the same time. (2nd reading—House.)

H.B.1519- TAYLOR-Authorizes any unit of government to levy taxes and issue bonds to cover its obligations for costs of unemployment insurance benefits for employees as prescribed by State Law. (Assigned Committee City and Villages.)

H.B 1864 - PECHOUS-Prohibits fees imposed on one agency of government against another unless under contract. (Assigned Committee City and Villages.)

H.B. 1917— TAYLOR—Extends provisions of Unemployment Compensation Act to municipal employees. (Assigned Committee City and Villages.)

H.B. 2096 - KANE-Eliminates prohibition of delivery of alcoholic liquors in recreational centers of park districts under certain circumstances. (2nd reading—House Floor.)

H.B. 2136-TAYLOR-New act prohibiting fees charged by one agency of government against another except when under contract. (Assigned Committee City and Villages.)

H.B. 2281 — TUERK—Requires park district employees in districts over 500,000 (now 150,000) to be placed under Civil Service protections. (3rd reading—House.)

H.B. 2282 - TUERK-Amends Park District Code; increase to $5,000 (now $2.500) the amount of a purchase or contract before competitive bidding is required. (3rd reading—House.)

H.B. 2293 - MAUTINO-Increases general corporate tax limit from .10% to .15% with backdoor referendum. (Assigned Committee City and Villages.)

H.B. 2297 - SATTERHWAITE-Amends Park District Code; permits levy without referendum and without regard to existing rate limitations of a tax for workmen's compensation insurance. (Assigned Committee City and Villages.)

H.B. 2300 - MAUTINO-Creates Park District Distribution Fund as part of state revenue sharing equal to 1/48 of net revenue of income tax. (Tabled— identical to H.B. 1265.)

S.B. 169 - CLASS-Amendment of Working Cash Fund Bill to validate all working cash funds established under the provisions of Article 11.2 of The Park District Code regardless of time original resolution was adopted. (Senate Committee Local Government Affairs.)

S.B. 474 — GLASS—Provides a park district may provide 4-year (now 2-year) terms for commissioners. (Senate Committee Local Government Affairs.)

S.B. 807 - PHILIP-Raises maximum tax rate which the board of a forest preserve district may levy to .075% and requires petitions signed by at least 5% of the registered voters. (Senate Committee Local Government Affairs.)

S.B. 1033 - HICKEY-Empowers forest preserve districts to acquire land outside the district except by right of eminent domain. (Senate Committee Local Government Affairs.)

S.B. 1137 - WEAVER-Authorizes forest preserve districts with population of 100,000 or more to construct, acquire, maintain and operate recreational facilities. (Senate Committee Local Government Affairs.)

S.B. 1167— GLASS—Provides for an alternate transition schedule where a 7-member Park District board is created and members are elected for 4-year terms. (Senate Committee Local Government Affairs.)

S.B. 1168 — WEAVER—Authorizes forest preserve districts of 100,000 population (now 200,000) to establish and maintain botanic gardens. (Senate Committee Local Government Affairs.)

S.B. 1222 - MITCHLER-Provides that unclaimed lottery prize money shall be distributed to park districts on a population basis. (Senate Committee Local Government Affairs.)

S.B. 1242 — RUPP—Amends various acts to authorize local entities to levy taxes to pay cost of unemployment insurance contributions. (Senate Committee Local Government Affairs.)

If our legislative program is to be successful, we need your immediate attention and support by contacting your State Representative and State Senator requesting their support of these bills.

Illinois Parks and Recreation 6 May/June, 1977

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