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IPRA highlites

by Kay Kastel Forest

IPRA has had a very successful year after its reorganization. All sections are in full operation and have demonstrated their ability by planning some excellent educational sessions for the annual Conference.

Looking back on 1977, we can see several new services offered to our members. The first is Section Highlites, an informational newsletter to members on the activities and special interests of the sections.

Next is the IPRA Living Library. We are developing an information system for use by the members on various topics related to parks, recreation, leisure, therapeutics, management and finance. An updated list will appear in the newsletter later this year.

The IPRA office is attempting to serve as a clearinghouse for all research and surveys completed within our field. Anyone who completes a survey, formal or informal, is asked to send the results to the IPRA office. Members can call to find what data is available.

The Research Committee began to formulate a program with some of the universities to catalogue university research completed in the leisure field. Members will be hearing more about this.

The 1977 Salary Survey was completed and copies are available through the office. An extensive PR campaign was launched by the recreation section. "At Your Leisure," the slogan developed by that section, is being used on T-shirts, bumper stickers, balloons, and park vehicles, and it will soon be heard on radio stations in the Chicago area.

The IPRA budget is in excellent shape due to the success of the travel program and the raffle. The fiscal year ended with a surplus of approximately $4,000.

Several new programs are planned for 1978. An Innovative Educational Happening for all members will take place in April. A special discount will be available to members and their agencies to Great America Theme Park. Research on part time salaries will be available to members... and much more...

Watch for more details.

Illinois Parks and Recreation 3 November/December, 1977

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