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by Eugene Berghoff
Executive Vice President

Over ten million Illinois citizens are served by park, conservation, and forest preserve districts. Parks, recreation and leisure time activities has been and continues to be a significant factor in the economic and social growth of the State.

Your Association has been active for almost fifty years in assisting in the development of new districts and providing leadership to existing districts and the people of Illinois.

We were pleased when President Tim Soldwedel was notified from the National Recreation and Park Association that your Association had been selected to receive a special citation as the outstanding State-wide organization in the nation. This is the first time that the award has been presented to a State group as it is usually awarded to individuals.

Anna Bender, Chairperson of the NRPA Awards Committee stated, "that Illinois was selected because of the outstanding leadership and service as a state organization for commissioners-board members."

Marjorie M. Dickinson, Springfield, Illinois, long-time secretary and Executive Director (1928-1966) and currently Executive Director Emeritus was also honored with a citation presented at the National Recreation and Park Association's National Congress.

Time and space prohibits recognition of the many individuals who down through the years that have contributed to the growth and success of the Association.

It is always an honor to be appointed to a state board or commission and Governor James R. Thompson recognized the importance of the Illinois Association of Park Districts by appointing President Tim G. Soldwedel to the Commission on State Mandated Programs. This group is conducting hearings throughout Illinois to hear the complaints and recommendations of local officials and how these problems can be resolved by legislative or executive action. A number of park, conservation and forest preserve officials attended these hearings and I am sure when the Commission completes its report for Governor lames R. Thompson another step will have been taken to provide beneficial legislation to our membership.

The seminars, legislative reception, and meetings sponsored by the I.A.P.D. were very successful. We initiated a breakfast for members of the Illinois General Assembly that was well attended and gave us another opportunity to present our financial problems which can only be resolved by legislation.

In evaluating legislative programs you must consider not only the bills that were sponsored by the Association, but the tremendous number of those introduced that would be detrimental.

Brian Dougherty, Legislative Liaison, did an excellent job in representing our membership before the 80th Illinois General Assembly.

House Bill 1265 which would provide a portion of the State Income Tax Revenues to park districts on a per capita basis advanced further than ever before by getting 81 votes in the House which was just eight (8) votes short of passage. The bill at the present time is still active before the Cities and Villages Committee and will be considered again when the General Assembly reconvenes, October 24, 1977.

I wish to thank the Joint Legislative Committee, Chicago Park District, and our membership for their efforts in contacting their State Representatives and Senators in promoting this bill.

Another important piece of legislation, House Bill 79 which provides the removal of the date for levying a 2 1/2 cent tax per $100.00 of assessed valuation for police purposes and a 1/2 cent tax per $100.00 of assessed valuation is also pending before the Cities and Villages Committee for the October session.

Senate Bill 169 which adds the year 1980 to the four year period for the "Working Cash Fund" did pass and was signed into law by Governor James R. Thompson.

A bill was introduced (House Bill 1519) to bring local public employees under provisions of the Unemployment Compensation Act. We opposed this legislation unless a separate tax rate is permitted to pay the share of the employer. This bill is on the docket for the October, 1977, session of the Illinois General Assembly.

A detailed legislative report will be distributed to all member districts and in addition Robert A. Stuart, Sr., General Counsel, will prepare for the next issue of the magazine a legal interpretation of all bills signed by Governor James R. Thompson and those still pending.

Total membership as of this date 219. Park districts 206, Forest Preserve 4 and 9 City Park and Recreation agencies.

Every member district must make a concentrated effort in signing up new members for 1978 as your Associations' Voice in Springfield and Washington, D.C. is no greater than the number of districts or agencies that we represent.

Publications updated this year include, Guide to Organizing a Park District, the I.A.P.D. Directory and the Park District Code.

The Commissioner's Manual is in the process of revision and we hope that it will be completed in the near future.

The 1977 Annual Conference will be the greatest in the history of the Association and we urge each board member and all staff personnel to attend and participate.

I have personally visited a number of communities in the State to meet with interested citizens in the organization of a park district. On other occasions we have advised these committees by telephone or mail and the following new districts have been organized in 1977, Astoria and North Berwyn. Other areas are in various stages of promoting the organization of a district.

Financially the Association can not maintain the staff or provide the services to our membership without an increase in revenues.

We are subject to the same increase in operations due to increased costs as are our member districts.

Our budget in 1978 can be balanced with a combination of reduced spending and approval of our membership dues increase that will be on the

Illinois Parks and Recreation 10 November/December, 1977

agenda at this year's Annual Business Meeting. We urge your support.

What does the future hold for parks, recreation and leisure time activities in Illinois and throughout the nation?

Our goals should be the following listed in order of priority:

1) Direct State and Federal Revenue Sharing Programs.

2) Strengthen the position of park, conservation, and forest preserve districts as major units of local government in Illinois.

3) Support legislation to enlarge Federal and State grants for acquisition of open space and improvements of existing facilities.

4) Cooperate with other agencies in the conservation of energy resources.

5) Develop a better spirit of cooperation with all agencies and institutions working for goals of mutual interest.

6) Continue our efforts in the establishment of new districts.

7) Next year is election time and I urge our members to support those candidates that include in their platforms support of our legislative programs.

Americans in the future do to the energy crisis will have more leisure time which will put a great demand for use of our park and recreation facilities.

This problem can only be resolved by legislation at the Federal and State levels.

As we look forward to 1978 which is the 50th Anniversary of your Association each of us must establish an attitude to work with the officers, directors, and staff of I.A.P.D. to bring about a permanent solution to the problems we now face.


Picture by Galloway Left to Right: Eugene Berghoff, Executive Vice President. Illinois Association of Park Districts, Patrick Flannigan, Trustee, Springfield Park District; Louis Gietl, Sr., Past President. Illinois Association of Park Districts; Tim G. Sotdwedel, President, Illinois Association of Park Districts: Marjorie M. Dickinson, Director Emeritus, Illinois Association of Park Districts; Robert A. Stuart, Sr., Springfield, Association General Counsel and Trustee of the National Recreation and Park Association; Bert Pettyjohn, Trustee, Springfield Park District; Harold Hawkins, Vice President, Springfield Park District; Louis Gietl, Jr., Trustee, Springfield Park District.

Tim G. Soldwedel, Pekin, President of the Illinois Association of Park Districts, and Robert A. Stuart, Sr., Springfield, Association General Counsel, and trustee of the National Recreation and Park Association presented a special citation to Miss Marjorie M. Dickinson, Springfield, Director Emeritus of the Illinois Association of Park Districts, which was awarded her by the National Recreation and Park Association at their National Congress, recently held in Las Vegas, Nevada, "for 40 years of distinguished leadership and service to her Illinois Association of Park Districts."

Miss Dickinson was born in Griggsville, Illinois, July 17, 1895. She received her early schooling at both the Griggsville and Hannibal (Missouri) high schools, and received her B.S. Degree in 1925 from the University of Illinois in accounting and business administration.

She served the Association as Secretary, Executive Director form 1928 to 1966 and currently as Executive Director Emeritus.

Miss Dickinson has been identified closely with numerous activities which include Christ Episcopal Church, International Order of St. Luke, Pen Women, Common Cause and Womens International League for Peace and Freedom.

President Soldwedel stated, "No one has given more outstandingly and continuously of valuable service to the Illinois Association of Park Districts than Marjorie M. Dickinson. A note of her life and many activities will serve to remind us of our good fortune in having had her long and devoted service."


My warmest appreciation and thanks to our able staff, President Tim G. Soldwedel, the other officers and directors, and our entire membership of the Association for their efforts in 1977.

Illinois Parks and Recreation 11 November/December, 1977

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