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Governor Signs Kankakee Land Bill

Governor James R. Thompson announced recently that he has signed legislation transferring 417 acres of state land to the Kankakee Valley Park District.

At a press conference in Kankakee, Governor Thompson said that he and the bill's sponsors, Rep. Edward McBroom and House Minority Leader George Ryan, both of Kankakee, had pledged during the campaign to work toward transferring the land to the district.

In signing House Bill 2052, Governor Thompson said that the transfer of the land from the Illinois Department of Conservation to the Kankakee Valley Park District would give the area its largest park.

The Department of Conservation acquired the land from the Kankakee State Hospital in March, 1966. The park district currently leases the land for parks and recreational purposes.

"Wherever possible, the state is interested in using available land for parks and recreation," the Governor said. "The addition of this land to the Kankakee Valley Park District will mean that more people will have parks and recreational facilities to enjoy."

Picture, left to right: Commissioner At Golowski; Board President. Don Palzer; Governor James R. Thompson; Commissioner Chuck Henderson; Board Attorney, Chuck Henry and Executive Director Irish O'Rellly.

Also attending the ceremony was Donald Palzer, President of the Kankakee Valley Park District.

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