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Would You Like to Get Your Community's Attention?

by Jerry Mem, Director of Recreation Decatur Park District

Don't stop reading until I get to the positive!

"I didn't know" is one of the hardest hurdles we all have to overcome. "Oh, I didn't know that you did that! I thought the schools ran the night time activities." "Yes, I know there are activities in the parks, but I never thought about who conducted them." I am sure many of you are fighting back the urge to say, "Well dummy, they just don't happen! They are planned many months in advance, and the leadership is chosen with care 'in hopes that children would soon be there."'

Seven years ago, one of our supervisors invited a few summer supervisors and the office staff to her home to eat homemade ice cream. Two of the young people brought guitars and shortly after the ice cream had been finished, a very small hootenanny commenced. I was absolutely dumbfounded at the musical ability of just our supervisory group.

The next morning, after researching all or our summer staff applications, I found that we had more than just a few with either instrumental or vocal ability. (The Director or supervisor who is unaware of the super musical ability of our young people is in a world of hurt.)

In 1972, we started a group called the Summer Staff Singers who sang 40 performances in eight weeks. The group all volunteered their off hours to perform for anyone, or anything such as Craft Exhibits, potluck suppers in the parks, ice cream socials, and other special events such as Stew Day, or for a crowd of 30,000+ on the Fourth of July. They also take our program to each service club, senior citizen groups, mentally retarded groups, or anywhere that recreation is involved.

We want to spread the word.What is the word? "Recreation is alive and doing well in Decatur, Illinois."

The Summer Staff Singers have become the best public relations tool we have ever had. The smiling faces of young people having a good time, doing something they like for the enjoyment of others is a happening. It is a happening that people can associate with Parks and Recreation, and leave with a good feeling.

The first year we had 21 singers, 1 mike, and a small speaker with the accompaniment of a flat top guitar. In the middle of the summer we sang for the Rotary Club. At the end of the 30 minute concert, 90 + Rotarians were standing, applauding with tears in their eyes. It was a moment I will never forget. From there on, we decided to go all out.

This past year, our volunteer Summer Staff Singers were 18 strong, accompanied by two electric guitars, electric bass, electric piano, trumpet, and tamborine, along with a full set of drums. They sang through 13 microphones which were plugged into four outdoor column speakers. We had 23 songs in our repertoire which ranged from "Old Man River" to Stevie Wonder's "I Wish." We had two days of rehearsal before the beginning of our training institute. Their performances were sung from a Rovin Recreation portable stage 60' long by 8' x 12' deep. We also carry our own portable generator, which makes the package completely independent. We can take it anywhere.

This summer, we made a 33-1/3 stereo recording of the group, plus a picture on the front of the jacket. You can do it too, one singer knows ten more and on and on. It perpetuates itself. If you would like more information contact: Decatur Recreation Dept., P.O. Box 383, Decatur, Illinois 62525.

Picture Credit: Debbie Neuses

Illinois Parks and Recreation 7 January/February, 1978

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