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IPRA highlites

by Kay Forest

IPRA's number one goal this year is public awareness for parks and recreation. Here's how you can help to achieve this goal. Participate in:


On Monday, June 26, 1978, at 11 a.m. approximately 25,000 to 50,000 balloons will ascend from park and recreation agencies throughout the state. This will only happen if your agency cooperates. All you have to do is schedule the special event on your playgrounds, day camps, parks, etc., and send in your order form.

IPRA will furnish you with printed balloons (the first 50 are free; others will cost four cents each) and printed cards to attach to the balloons. Your agency will need to furnish the hellium (a list of suppliers will be distributed), the string, and, of course, the staff to conduct the event. The participants will have to bring a nine cent stamp for the return card attached to the balloon.

A few prizes will be given for the card returned from the furthest location and for the agency that returns the most cards. It is hoped that this event will receive considerable coverage from the media.


The Recreation Section has planned IPRA Days at White Sox, Cubs, and Chicago Sting ball parks. Members, their families, and agencies are urged to plan special trips to the ball parks on the selected days. IPRA will conduct pre-game activities, present the national anthem singer, have interviews with sportscasters, etc. We need your participation and cooperation. Information will be mailed to all recreation section members.

CHICAGO STING NITE ......... .June 28,1978
WHITE SOX DAY ................ .July9,1978
CUBS DAY ..................... .July 17,1978

Contact the IPRA office if you haven't received the information.

Last month the information on the IPRA Tour to Miami was left out of the magazine. See page 26 in this issue.

Marriott's Great America tickets are available to the participants in your programs at a considerable savings if you participate in the IPRA ticket program. If interested call the IPRA office for more details.

The IPRA Research Committee is compiling an index of all research projects related to parks and recreation. This will be available to members and their agencies. If you have recently compiled a survey or research project, let us know.

Illinois Parks and Recreation 16 May/June, 1978

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