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by Kay Kastel Forest Its election time again. In mid-September all voting members of IPRA should receive ballots for the associations Board of Directors and for their respective section board. The election process is one way for the members to have input into the operation of IPRA. Please vote and return the ballots to the IPRA office. There has been a lot of confusion about the continuing education requirements for professional members. Here are a few answers to the many questions that the IPRA office has received. Seminars, workshops, and conferences sponsored by other agencies and associations will count as continuing education units. For example, five (5) points will be given for attendance at one year of any of the following: Indiana Executive Development School; Revenue Resources Management School; and the NRPA Parks Maintenance Management School; attendance at the entire Pokagon Park Training Institute would receive three (3) points; IPRA Management Workshops (2) points; IPRA Happening two (2) points. More information will be distributed to the members with the dues invoices. If an organization or agency is sponsoring a workshop, clinic or in service training or if you plan to attend a workshop which you feel should receive credit as continuing education, you should obtain a special form from the IPRA office to report the workshop contents, etc. This form would then be used by continuing education committee to determine the point value of the event. Professional members have from January 1977 to accumulate the eight points of CEU's (continuing education units). Since this system of determining the continuing education requirements is under constant review by IPRA. We would like the members input on the system. The committee will be reviewing the present system for possible change next year. Please let us know how you feel. The insert in the magazine this issue is the 1978 Advance Conference Program. The committees of IAPD and IPRA under chairpersons Barbara Straus and John Hedges have done an excellent job in planning a quality program. We hope all members plan to attend on November 16-19 at Stouffers Riverfront Towers in St. Louis. The Special Facilities Section is sponsoring a works-Ashop on Saturday, September 30th from 9:30 a.m.-4:30 p.m. entitled "Managing Human Resources". Call the office if you wish to register. See you next issue! |