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by Barbara Manselle, WIU

The Student Section has what looks to be a great year coming up. The more we put into it as members of the Student Section, the better it will be.

A calendar of events for the year so far show:

October 14-19 — National Congress in Miami, Florida.
November 16-19 — Illinois Park and Recreation Conference in St. Louis, Mo.
April 20-22 — Great Lakes Regional Conference (NRPA) combined with the Illinois Park and Recreation Association Student Section State Conference.

Student Section Meetings:
September 15-16 — A camping trip in southern Ill. with SIU acting as the hosts.
October 28 A meeting in Champaign-Urbana with the U of I and Parkland as the hosts.
November 17—A 5:30 p.m. meeting at the State Conference in St. Louis.
January 27 — A meeting at Morraine Valley Community College.
March 11 — A meeting at the College of St. Francis.
April 20-22 — (Elections meeting)
This meeting will be held sometime during the GLRC and the IPRA SS Conference.

We are also planning a few activities besides the regular meetings so we can get together with other students to see what they are doing at their schools; to compare a few notes, and to have fun. Some of the activities planned include a camping trip in the fall (September 15-16), tobogganing in the winter, and a canoe trip in the spring.

Your officers for the 1978-79 school year are: Director — Barb Manselle, WIU; Director-elect — Teri Elmore, WIU; Asst. Director — Donna Masich, College of St. Francis; Treasurer — Dave Madden, U of I; Secretary — Pam Sallade, ISU; Parlimentarian — Lori Travis, Parkland College; Historian — Maria Bogan, U of I; IAPD Representative — Jim Freidag, U of I.

If you have any questions, comments, or suggestions for or about the Student Section feel free to contact any of the officers through their respective Recreation Departments at their schools.

As your director there are a few things I would like to see the Student Section accomplish this year. My main project is to help set up a scholarship fund for Park and Recreation Students in the State of Illinois. The scholarship fund would be sponsored by the Student Section and any Section member would be eligible for a scholarship. The Section would try and earn the money for the fund by possibly sponsoring a dance at the State Conference, with all the donations going to into the scholarship fund.

Another smaller project that we are working on is student packet for the State Conference. We will have more information on this at a later date. This information will be available to schools and from the IPRA Office.

Some of my other goals for the upcoming year are: getting some of the "older" schools more involved in the Section, getting our 400 or so members more actively involved in the Section's activities, and re-evaluating and rewriting new goals and objectives for the Student Section.

I'm looking forward to a great year in the Student Section and I'm inviting you to join us.

Illinois Parks and Recreation 27 September/October, 1978

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