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In Memory Of...


Mr. Lyle Dona, Director of Parks and Recreation for the Roxana Community Park District, passed away on April 1, 1979.

He showed great enthusiasm and dedication toward giving the Roxana community a first class recreational program.

Lyie was elected as Park Commissioner in April, 1957. Upon the resignation of Arthur Maley as Park Superintendent, Lyle was hired as full time Director of Recreation and Parks in 1958. He, along with Leroy Emerick and Jerry Clapsaddle, organized the Quad-City baseball program. He helped organize the Quad-City Soccer League, which now has approximately one thousand participants.

As a member of the Southern Illinois Park and Recreation Association, he helped organize playground workshops each summer and organized and participated in Recreation Day for teenagers. Lyle was instrumental in the organization of the Senior Citizens in Roxana and active in organizing Senior Citizens Workshops in the area, approximately ten years ago.

Lyle was an active member of fast-pitch AA softball teams through the years and later served as manager and business manager. He was responsible for bringing these teams to the Roxana Park which brought enjoyment to many Roxana spectators and fans.

As Director of Recreation, Lyle was instrumental in forming the basketball program in Roxana. He also helped organize the Roxana Casting Club. He was solely responsible for bringing T-Ball to the area.

At the time Lyle became Park Superintendent, the only facility in the park was the swimming pool. In 1959, the Park House was given to the Park District by the Shell Oil Company and the office was moved to this site.

The latest facility to be added to the Park, through the efforts of Lyle, is the newly installed 18-hole miniature golf course which will be opening June 2, 1979, for the enjoyment of the community.

The children of Roxana through the years have benefited by the many recreational programs and activities that Lyle organized, supervised and actively participated. He will be missed by all the citizens.


Robert Q. Hope, Executive Director of Parks and Recreation for Oak Lawn Park District passed away on May 24, 1979. He served as director for eight (8) years. Prior to that time, he was a teacher and football coach from 1969-71 at School District 163, Park Forest.

Under the leadership of Mr. Hope the Oak Lawn Park District grew and prospered. One of his more outstanding accomplishments is the beautiful indoor ice arena located at Central Park. In the past eight years, an intense park beautification program has been implemented, tennis courts and ballfields have been lit, and valuable land acquisition has transpired.

Mr. Hope, a long time member of IPRA and NRPA, was first vice-president of the Oak Lawn United Way, chairman of the 1978 Crusade of Mercy and a member of the Kiwanis.

He will long be remembered for his contributions to the recreational needs of the citizens of Oak Lawn.

Illinois Parks and Recreation 28 July/August, 1979


Roger Bjorvik, 48, a fixture in Palatine government for 23 years and attorney for several Northwest suburban park districts died on June 7. He had been ill for several months.

Roger was the prosecutor for the Village of Palatine for 14 years, Attorney for Palatine Township, and also served as attorney for the Palatine, Wheeling, Streamwood, Rivertrails, Skokie, Oak Brook and Salt Creek park districts.

He was active in the joint IAPD/IPRA Legislative Committee and was a trustee for the Illinois Park and Recreation Foundation. He was a member of the Board of Directors of the Harper College Foundation; Chairman of the North Cook County Bicycle Trail Committee, and member of the NIPC Open Space Committee. Roger was first recipient of the Distinguished Service emblematic of man of the year in Palatine. He received several awards for service to parks and recreation in Illinois. Roger was well respected and one of the best attorneys in Illinois regarding park district law.

Illinois Parks and Recreation 29 July/August, 1979

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