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The Joint Conference Committee headed by Waldon O. Degner, IAPD, and Robert Dunsmuir, IPRA, can breathe a sigh of relief after our most successful joint conference ever. We had the highest attendance and certainly the most educational and fun conference in our history.

This year the IPRA-IAPD Conference was close on the heels of the NRPA Conference in New Orleans, Louisiana, and for those in attendance at both it seemed like one big conference. The two main topics of interest were the aftermath of Proposition #13, its effects and results, and the potential disillusionment of special districts. Much has been written about both and hardly a day goes by when some publication does not point out the rapidly growing list of identifiable problems with each issue. Having been in California recently, I have seen firsthand how citizens have had to live with drastic reductions in services. Many of the park and recreation facilities have been hit hardest.

We in Illinois need to be prepared to head off any movement which would cripple our services and reduce our autonomy. We must utilize our strength and autonomy to forcefully position ourselves to gain the allegiance of the taxpayers. We can achieve this by continuing to strive for more efficient operations. We must become more business oriented in our delivery systems. We should plan our base of revenues by initiating strategies to recover cost through user fees. Finally, we should maintain an outgoing program of public awareness aimed at our constituents as well as our legislators. Make them work for us because when they see that we are an efficient form of government which responds directly to the people and for the people, we will be allowed to continue to be served by the people.

A very successful educational conference is over and the committee has already begun to plan for 1980. Since we will be in the same location next year - the Hyatt - any input on the hotel facilities and the conference itself would be helpful. Please let us know both the good and bad points either by phone or letter, so that 1980 can be even better.

Special thanks are in order for several people: Bob Dunsmuir, Wheaton-Conference Chairman, Wally Degner, Palatine - IAPD Chairman; Keith Frankland, Woodridge, IPRA Program Chairman; and all the members of the IAPD and IPRA Conference Committees.

I'm sure you will agree that Jeannie and Johnny Morris (WBBM-TV) gave an -excellent keynote speech at the Conference Luncheon. We owe them a debt of gratitude for taking time from their busy schedules to address our group at no charge. They typify the lay citizen who is willing to volunteer and donate their time to parks and recreation.

The Management Institute for Park Operations Personnel was held at Allerton Park in December. The participants from park, forest preserve and conservation districts throughout the state and the Department of Conservation took part in this stimulating and intensive management training program which helped improve communication and organizational skills. IPRA was able to offer this type of program at a very reasonable cost because we received partial funding from the Intergovernmental Personnel Act. We are hoping to offer additional seminars of this type.

The IPRA Board meets monthly. Meetings are open to all members and we encourage your participation. A schedule is available from the IPRA office. We are busy planning projects and activities for the new year. IPRA will be working on a 5-year master plan for the Association. A special Delphi Forum will be conducted in March to begin the process. We hope to have input from all committees and sections on the direction that IPRA should be taking. Do you have any ideas? Let us know.

Since a dues increase was not approved, a special committee has been appointed to study a sliding dues scale based on salary. More information will be forthcoming on that topic.

Happening III will be held in Decatur on April 27-29, 1980. The Decatur Park District will roll out the red carpet for all the IPRA delegates and will show us that special Central Illinois hospitality. Theme for the Happening is "Hoedown in Soytown." Locations for the 1981 and 1982 mid-year meetings have been selected. In 1981, Springfield will host the Happening and in 1982, Champaign will be the host. We hope all members plan to attend this yearly educational meeting of the sections.

Illinois Parks and Recreation 27 January/February, 1980

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