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Editor's Note: The following letter was written to the Illinois Park and Recreation Foundation, Ernie Nance, President. They were kind enough to share it with us.

Dear Members of the Foundation and Ernie,

It is with a tremendous amount of pride and deep appreciation that I write to thank you for the beautiful "Memorial Book" telling of trees which have been planted in memory of my husband. Bob Artz. What a unique and wonderful tribute—all those living memorials, planted throughout Illinois, in honor of My Bob! It sincerely brings tears to my eyes to think about them. Someday, I hope that I will have the opportunity to vist at least some of the parks where they are growing.

My spirits are lifted each time I read through that lovely book and realize that all those Park Districts—both large and small—have graciously planted a tree, or trees, in Bob's honor. If "salty tears" are good for newly planted trees, then I can assure you, "Bob's trees" have indeed had a good start!

Bob would be so honored, and I know a little embarrassed and humbled, at the generous tribute that you have paid him. I would like to take this opportunity to tell you how much he enjoyed every minute of his short tenure with you in Illinois. He was so excited and enthusiastic over his new position as Executive Director of IAPD. He had such plans and dreams of what he hoped he could accomplish for it! Thus, it gives me a great deal of pleasure to know that through the trees planted as "living memorials," he will always remain a part of the Illinois Park Districts.

Once again, I would like to say "thank you" for both My Bob and myself.

Sincerely, Mrs. Bob Artz

To the Editor:

The article written by Dave Colmar on "Foundations—An Alternative Revenue Source," which appeared in the May/June issue was very well done and very appropriate at this time. The information is of value to many communities who may be thinking about establishing community foundations.

Too often we have thought of "foundations" as only those large ones set up by extremely wealthy families, i.e. Rockefeller, Ford, Mott, MacArthur, etc. In most cases these foundations have been written off by park and recreation agencies because of their focus and the extensive work involved in preparing a proposal. Local foundations can be oriented toward the particular needs of the community or area in which it is established.

I plan to use this article as a handout and reference in working with communities and special districts involved in providing park and recreation services in Illinois.

Robert D. Espeseth
Outdoor Recreation Specialist
Office of Recreation & Park Resources University of Illinois

Illinois Parks and Recreation 33 July/August, 1980

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