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Services of the IPR Magazine are now centered at the IAPD office in Springfield. Ted Flickinger has assumed the position of Managing Editor and will coordinate all advertising, business, and subscriptions services. Articles and information to be considered for publication should be sent to the IAPD offices and will be forwarded to the editorial staff.

Retiring Dr. William H. Freeburg received honor and recognition from both the IAPD Board of Directors and the Illinois Parks and Recreation Foundation. Dr. Freeburg is best known to Illinois park and recreation people as a pioneer in therapeutic recreation and a major force in the establishment of the National Special Olympics movement. He also received the first doctorate (Indiana University, 1950) awarded in recreation.

Early reports of the White Paper citizens meetings evaluating the Illinois system of park districts is showing almost unanimous support from all segments of the communities visited. The strong endorsements of Illinois special park districts as independent entities is much greater than expected by even the most devoted park enthusiast.

Going to the fair? Plans for a Chicago to Springfield run by Park District people are proceeding well. As planned, each runner will cover 10 miles of the distance. Governor Thompson expects to run the last mile, if "the state of the executive back" permits. Park commissioners and other local officials will be honored at a special governor's reception at the state fair on August 9.

Can commissioners write? Articles by commissioners are most welcomed and desired for the IPR magazine. Share your local experience and comments with other park districts.

Naomi Walters of Streamwood has been appointed to complete the term of Bruce Larson who resigned as an IAPD director for personal reasons. Bruce served the IAPD well especially with his work on the complete revision of the IAPD Constitution and By Laws. His expertise will be missed.

Will you be at the Commissioner-Legislator golf outing and banquet? Speaker of the House Bill Redmond acted as the founding attorney of the Bensenville Park District and his service is being honored at the August 1 evening banquet.

How well does the state of Illinois support parks? The state Department of Conservation is asking for $13,282,900 for their current capital budget. This is part of the 14 billion dollar state budget or less than $1.00 out of each $1,000 expected to be spent. In contrast, local taxpayers are paying $6.00 per $100.00 for local parks and recreation.

Do you have a commissioner celebrating his or her 10th, 15th, 20th, or 25th year in office? The IAPD Honor's Committee is preparing special honor certificates for the Annual Conferences award luncheon. You can help by sending in the names of potential recipients to the IAPD office.

The First Annual Therapeutic Recreation Post-Doctoral Institute, sponsored by Indiana University and supported by a Bureau of Education for the Handicapped grant was held at Bradford Woods, Indiana, May 22-23, 1980. Fran Coffey, a University of Illinois doctoral student is full-time Coordinator of the project while Dr. David Austin, a University of Illinois Alumnus is Project Director.

Attendees from Illinois included Dr. Carol Peterson and Dr. Nancy Navar from the University of Illinois and Dr. Len Cleary Jr. and Dr. Joseph Teaff from Southern Illinois University.

Other University of Illinois alumni in attendance included Dr. Dan Kennedy, Penn State University and Dr. Ron Reynolds, Virginia Commonwealth University.

Illinois Parks and Recreation 38 July/August, 1980

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