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IPRA highlites By Kay Forest IPRA Executive Director The new Mid-Year Section Forum will "happen" on March 28-30, 1982, at the Ramada Inn, Champaign, Illinois. What, you ask, is a Mid-Year Section Forum? Well, once it was known as Happening I, then II, III and finally IV. Originally initiated to offer full-length workshops in a central location, the Happening evolved into 2 1/2 days of shorter sessions until it very much resembled the Annual State Conference. The Sections, which sponsor this mid-year event decided to return to the half/whole-day workshop concept, offering seminars with more intense subject concentration. The Mid-Year Section Forum still encourages casual attire and camaraderie, but will now be more educational in thrust as all workshops will last at least three hours. A number are planned for full days, and the Special Facilities Section will offer a total Aquatic School, spanning the entire two and one-half days. The Recreation Section will sponsor two full day and four half-day workshops. "Computers in Recreation Programming" (full-day) is not geared toward finances or bookkeeping. Rather, it is an on-hands workshop, offering familiarization with the computer and how it can improve registration mailing lists, and individual program accounting. "Using Cable TV" is the other Recreation Programming full-day workshop during which participants will visit Cable TV stations in the Champaign-Urbana area and learn how to become involved in cable TV and its effective use in the community. The Recreation Section's four one-half day workshops include "Public Relations," "Utilizing New Program Resources," "Budgeting," and "Managing Personnel." Administration and Finance plans three half-day workshops: "Organizational Retrenchment," "Management Simulation on Leadership Style," and "Time Management." The Parks Section is working on a one-half day workshop, "Landscaping Parks" and a tour in conjunction with Special Facilities to the Physical Sports Facilities Plants at the University of Illinois. Social Events include several Sunday tours and a smashing evening social at the Ramada Inn, complete with band, cash bar and the chance to meet and greet friends. One thing that has not changed about the Mid-Year Section Forum, alias Happening, is the reasonable attendance price. Pre-registration for workshops, two meals and coffee breaks is $42. Rooms run $32 for singles and $38 for doubles. A pre-registration packet will reach all IPRA members by mid-February and includes the complete program plus registration forms and hotel reservation cards. Plan on attending the new and exciting Mid-Year Section Forum. Don't let it "happen" without you. A reminder: All IPRA members are encouraged to attend board meetings which are held throughout the state for members' convenience. Listed below are a list of the meetings, their dates and times. We hope you can attend some or all of these "working meetings" to get a real feeling for YOUR organization. (Please call the office several days before the meeting to confirm dates, times.) 1982 Jan. 22, Fri., 1:00 p.m. Park Forest Feb. 26, Fri., 1:00 P.M., Palatine March 28, Sun., 3:00 p.m., Urbana March 28-30, Mid-Year Conference Champaign/Urbana
See IPRA ... Page 35
Illinois Parks and Recreation 26 January/February 1982 IPRA highlites ... . . . from page 26 May 14, Fri., 1:00 p.m. Bloomington June 25, Fri., 1:00 p.m., Wheaton July 29, Thurs., 1:00 p.m., Highland Park Aug. 26, Thurs., 1:00 p.m. Downers Grove Sept., At the Joint Campout—TBA Oct., Only if needed—TBA Nov. 18, Thurs., 8:30 a.m., Hyatt Regency O'Hare Nov. 18-21, ANNUAL CONFERENCE Illinois Parks and Recreation 35 January/February 1982 |