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AMERICAN LOCKER SECURITY SYSTEMS, INC. 174 Warren Allen Drive, Wood Dale, IL 60191. (312) 595-9177.
PRODUCTS: Self-Service Coin-Operated Lockers.

ASSOCIATED ENGINEERS III, INC., 2387 West Monroe, Springfield, IL62704. (217) 787-4120.
SERVICES: Master Plans. Feasibility Studies. Engineering, Landscape Architects. Grant & Bond Assistance.

J.E. BARCLAY & ASSOCIATES, 444 S. Home, Oak Park, IL 60302, (312) 383-8050.
SERVICES: Architects - Engineers - Planners.

HARLAND BARTHOLOMEW AND ASSOCIATES, INC, 899 Skokie Blvd., Northbrook, IL 60062. (312) 272-6030.
SERVICES: Planners, Engineers, Landscape Architects — Master Planning & Design

BOOKER ASSOCIATES, INC., 10251 Lincoln Trail, Fairview Heights, IL 62208. (618) 397-3000.
SERVICES: Consulihg Master Planning, Feasibility Studies, Architectural Landscape & Engineering. Grant & Bond Assistance.

PAUL BUCKLEY & ASSOCIATES — Miracle Recreation Equip. Co., P.O. Box 201, Geneva, IL 60134. (312) 232-6197.
PRODUCTS: Wood-Metal-Fiberglass playground equip. Bleachers, Benches, Picnic Tables & Shelters, Planning & Layout Service.

THE J.E. BURKE COMPANY, Van Dyne Road, P.O. Box 549, Fond du Lac, WI 54935.
(414) 921-9220.
PRODUCTS: Complete line of playground, sports, and recreation equipment.

RALPH BURKE ASSOCIATES, 1550 Northwest Highway, Suite 400, Park Ridge, IL 60068. (312) 297-1172.
SERVICES: Feasibility Studies, Financial Planning. Site Selection, Master Plans, Referendum Guidance, Architectural & Engineering Services.

CRAWFORD, MURPHY & TILLY, INC., 2750 W. Washington, Springfield, IL62702. (217) 787-8050.
SERVICES: General Civil Engineering ServicesRoads, Swimming Pools, Recreational Development.

JOHN R. COOK ASSOCIATES, LTD.—861 N. Madison Ave., Rockford 61107 (815) 965-3188; 1809A Mill St. Naperville 60540, (312)355-1600.
SERVICES: Landscape Architects, Site, Urban, Recreational & Master Planners, Civil engineers, Surveyors.

FRANK B. HALL & COMPANY — Packaged Group Insurance Division, 230 W. Monroe, Chicago, IL 60606. (312) 863-5717.

HALOGEN SUPPLY COMPANY, 4653 W. Lawrence Ave., Chicago, IL 60630, (312) 286-6300.
PRODUCTS: Swimming Pool Equipment and Supplies. Swimming Pool Consultant Services.

HITCHCOCK DESIGN, 549 S. Washington St., Naperville, IL 60540. (312) 961-1787.
SERVICES: Land Planning/Landscape Architectural Design.

ILLINOIS LAWN EQUIPMENT, INC., 16450 S 104th Ave., Orland Park, IL60462. (312)349-8484.
PRODUCTS: Mowers, Trucksters, Sprayers and Allied Products.

MICHAEL L. IVES & ASSOCIATES, INC., 4932 South Main St., Downers Grove, IL 60515. (312) 960-4055.
SERVICES: Landscape Architecture/Park & Recreation Development Planning.

JENNINGS CORPORATION. 2150 S Shore Dr., Macatawa, Ml 49434. (616) 335-5831.
PRODUCTS: Park and Playground Equipment.

KESSLER, MERCI AND ASSOCIATES, INC., 6225 W. Touhy Ave., Chicago, IL 60648. (312) 775-4242.
SERVICES: Architects - Engineers - Planners.

KILLIAN AND NUGENT, INC., Orchard Hill Farm, Route 22, Long Grove, IL 60047. (312)438-5900.
SERVICES: Golf Course & Landscape Architects, Irrigation, Consultants & Site Planners.

LEISURE CONCEPTS & DESIGN, 300 W. Golf Road, Mt. Prospect, IL 60056. (312) 398-3004.
SERVICES: Park, Recreation, Open Space Planning, Design, Architecture and Landscape Architecture, Feasibility Studies & Master Plans.

McFADZEAN-EVERLY, LTD., 209 South Main Street, Mount Prospect. IL 60056. (312) 253-2755.
SERVICES: Park & Recreation Planning. Zoo Planning, Architecture Landscape Architecture.

NORTHEAST DuPAGE SPECIAL RECREATION ASSOCIAITON, 420 West Madison St., Elmhurst, IL 60126. (312) 530-5400.
SERVICES: Recreational & Leisure services to all handicapping conditions and all ages.

NOVAK, CARLSON, ELKIN & VICK, INC., 4000 Industrial Ave., Rolling Meadows, IL 60008. (312) 259-4300.
SERVICES: Park Planners and Landscape Architects.

PACKARD, INC., 11 South LaGrange Road, La-Grange, IL60525 (312)352-2113. SERVICES. Golf Course Architects. Park Planners. Land Planners. Landscape Architects.

PARK & RECREATION INSURANCE AGENCY, INC., 2350 East Devon Ave.. Suite 203, Des Plaines, IL60018. (312)298-3600.
SERVICES: Specializing in Park & Recreation insurance of all lines.

RECREATION CONCEPTS, INC., 135 N. Addison St., Suite 118, Elmhurst, IL 60126. (312) 833-0540.
PRODUCTS: GameTime, Inc.—Park, Playground and Recreational Equipment.

SAUNDERS, THALDEN & ASSOCIATES, INC., 514 West "C" St., Belleville, IL 62221. (618) 874-2431.
SERVICES: Landscape, Park, Recreational Planning & Design Architects. Funding & Bond issue Assistance.

SCRUGGS AND HAMMOND, INC, 2914 Caterpillar Trail, E. Peoria, IL 61611. (309) 699-6454.
SERVICES: Park Planning, Landscape Architecture, Land Planning

THOMPSON DYKE & ASSOCIATES, LTD., 899 Skokie Blvd., Northbrook, IL 60062.
(312) 272-6280.
SERVICES: Landscape Architecture, Master Planning, Recreational Design, Open Space Studies, Park Redesign, Tax Impact and Feasibility Studies.

WIGHT & COMPANY, INC, 814 Ogden Avenue, Downers Grove, IL 60515. (312) 969-7000.
SERVICES: Architects, Engineers, Land Planners and Recreational Services.

Illinois Parks and Recreation     30      March/April 1982

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