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Recreation Supervisor

City of Evanston

Fleetwood/Jourdain Community Center - Salary to $24,156

COME TO EVANSTON! If you have the education, temperament, and career background to cope realistically (and innovatively) with a contemporary situation in a multi-ethnic environment. . . if you have at least a year's experience in an urban community recreation center or a similar recreation facility . .. if you are ready and able to accept the responsibility for planning, developing, and organizing a comprehensive recreational program including health, academic, and cultural activities—we have a position that will stretch your skills to the maximum and offer a chance for real job satisfaction. You must back this up with completion of 4 years of college with course-work in recreation, administration, behaviorial science, or a related field (or the acceptable equivalent).

THE PERSON WE NEED must be an entrepreneurial dynamo with the broad background and versatile range of capabilities necessary to 1) develop policies and programs of the center and function as general manager; 2) supervise and train the staff involved in conducting various recreational programs; 3) plan, schedule, organize, promote, supervise, and participate in a program of recreational activities for all age groups; 4) counsel various age groups, conduct clinics, organize clubs, and assist members in scheduling activities; 5) participate in budget preparation, maintain activity records, prepare reports; and 6) seek external supplementary funding sources, including preparing and implementing grant proposals.

COME TO EVANSTON! We have no residence requirement. In addition to the very attractive salary, our benefits include full tuition reimbursement for continuing education, health/life insurance, generous holiday and vacation schedules, and much more. For job stability in an environment in which you can develop both professionally and personally, apply in person or submit resume to the Personnel Dept., the Civic Center, 2100 Ridge Ave., Evanston, IL 60204.

• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • an equal opportunity employer m/f

Illinois Parks and Recreation 12 September/October 1982

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