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A Personnel Management Inventory For Your Park District

Some Practical Tips On A Vital Subject

By Philip R. Brereton, Ph.D.


Dr. Brereton will conduct an IAPD seminar on Personnel Management Evaluation February 26, 1983 at the Hyatt Regency O'Hare. Watch "Communicator" Newsletter for program details.

How does your park district stack up in personnel management? Personnel management has become one of the fastest growing aspects of management and the one that promises substantial potential for improving the performance of your park district. By the same token, it is also the area of management that has seen the greatest impact from legislation and court decisions in the last twenty years. Consequently, the area of personnel administration offers potential for performance improvement as well as the very real potential for conflict and possible litigation over personnel actions.

Let's look at the positive side first. Park districts thrive on motivated and committed employees who carry out the program of the district. Good park district programs are the direct result of park district employees who can translate needs into programs and implement the program with sparkle and enthusiasm. Your park district personnel administration program and practices should be designed to facilitate that process by providing for the basic emotional-job security needs of your employees. Here are four basic questions that will help you assess whether or not you are meeting the basic needs of your employees.

1. Are you telling your employees what is expected of them?
The greatest single complaint people have about their work is that they are not sure about what they are expected to do. The cure: define standards of performance and work rules and reduce them to writing. Then tell people through face-to-face contact and explain the why of rules and performance standards.. Develop understanding of both the what and the why.


Are you telling your employees whether or not their conduct and work performance is satisfactory?
Having previously established what is expected, the next step is to give feedback on performance. This is best done by day-to-day and face-to-face communication between the supervisor and employee. Once a year performance appraisal sessions are not enough. Feedback should be positive as well as negative. In fact, there should be more positive feedback than criticism, especially when people are learning and growing.


Are you treating your employees fairly and impartially?
Herein lies the potential for a great deal of dissatisfaction, conflict, and possible litigation. Inequitable salary administration, poor disciplinary practices, unwarranted discharges and even sexual harassment fit into this category. Essentially, it means that everyone expects and deserves a "fair chance." It also means that rules are enforced uniformly, people are not singled out for punishment, and people should be given adequate training so that they have a chance to succeed.


Are you basing your decisions on facts rather than opinions or assumptions?
This means personnel records systems that are designed to accumulate information about performance that is based on actual discussions with employees, not unsupported observations or hearsay evidence. It also means that personnel decisions must be made as objectively as possible and the decision-maker may have to support those decisions with objective evidence if the decision is questioned.

Think about these four questions. These relate to our basic needs for security, belonging, and the need to feel we are an important part of an important organization. Your personnel administration program can help to develop this feeling among your park district staff by providing the framework and climate that helps people to do their best work.

Inventorying Your Park District Personnel Management Program

The personnel management inventory is based on the four questions regarding the emotional—job security needs of your employees. (See table that follows.) As you go through inventory, consider the three alternatives: Yes, No, and Don't Know. The Don't Know column is designed to alert the reader to the question: Have we reviewed this item recently, if at all? If not, some questions are in order. Finally, to get you started on

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developing or improving your personnel management program in your park district, here are some guidelines related to the specific issues raised by the personnel management inventory.

Written Personnel Policy: An employee handbook is a must. The handbook provides an organized and tangible way to describe and define your personnel program. Be sure to include your work rules, and safety rules as well. The handbook does not have to be a long or expensive publication, but it should be complete and as specific as possible.

Job Description: Written job descriptions which specify not only job duties but standards of performance are a great help. They also provide a sound basis for job evaluation and salary administration. Make sure every employee has a copy and that the job description is reviewed with them at least annually. New employees should receive a copy as part of their new employee orientation and training.

Employment Applications: Many older employment applications ask discriminatory questions about age, sex, family status, and financial status. These questions are considered discriminatory under the Civil Rights Act as they tend to encourage biased selection. Have your application form reviewed by a personnel specialist or labor relations attorney. Use only questions designed to gather data which is related to ascertaining whether or not the applicant meets the job-related qualifications you have established prior to the search.

New Employee Orientation And Training: Does every new employee receive the necessary training to be able to do his or her job? Not only does work performance require training but the related goals of safety and prevention of injury to the public demands it. An organized new employee training program is an essential part of the employment process.

Performance Appraisal: Everyone deserves an answer to the question, "How am I doing?" Every supervisor needs supervisory training that will help him or her to be effective at coaching employees and giving feedback on performance. Plan also to establish a formal system that provides for at least annual performance interviews with written records. This provides a positive basis for promotional decisions as well. Finally, be sure that your park district personnel files contain only information that has been discussed with the employee. Unsupported notations and hearsay evidence are out.

Disciplinary Action And Termination: When all else fails, then we move to these final steps. First, these actions should be based on predetermined written policy. Secondly, the process should be documented. Finally, these actions should be taken with the knowledge and support of the full range of park district administration. In some rare cases, the board may wish to be involved. Remember, these actions are viewed as industrial homicide and should be taken with great care.

Park districts thrive on motivated and committed employees who carry out the program of the district.

Salary Administration: Equal pay for equal work is the law of the land. Accordingly, your park district needs a salary administration plan that provides equitable pay for comparable jobs and experience. To reach this objective, a salary administration system based on job classifications and associated salary classifications is very helpful. In addition, in order to maintain comparable salaries with other employees, these classifications are helpful to make salary comparison studies. Finally, your salary administration system should define the system used to make salary increase decisions if a merit pay system is involved.

Liability Insurance: Every park district needs to and does carry some kind of insurance to protect the district from the costs of defense against suits alleging negligence or wrongdoing by the general public. However, does you insurance provide "Civil Rights Coverage," i.e., provide defense against suits brought by employees who allege that you have deprived them of their civil rights by some act such as job termination? Checking into this issue before suit is brought is as easy as contacting your insurance broker or corporate attorney.

In Review

First, do not be demoralized if the inventory uncovers some areas of concern in your park district. Begin by setting some priorities and selecting the areas that need immediate attention. Help is available from a variety of sources. Many park district board members work for companies who have personnel specialists who could help. Your corporate counsel can help with the legal problems. Your state and national associations often have specific help available. Finally, your insurance company may be able to provide assistance on insurance coverages and related matters.

Secondly, move each piece into place on an organized basis. Make sure each change or new area fits with the other parts so you develop a cohesive program. Document each area as you go and you will be on your way toward developing your overall personnel policy and employee handbook.


Philip R. Brereton, Ph.D., Lodi, Wisc. is a management consultant specializing in management development programs and personnel administration. His clients include major utilities, corporations, associations and state and local government units. He has held administrative positions at Illinois State University, the University of Wisconsin-Madison, and was on the home office staff of Employers Insurance Co. of Wausau. He holds a Ph.D. from the University of Wisconsin-Madison and regularly serves as a conference leader on U.W.-Extension programs throughout the state.

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Finally, when you get the pieces together, you will want to establish an annual review procedure to make sure that your program stays current with changes in legislation and new court decisions. The outcome will be a personnel management program that will help to improve effectiveness of your park district program and simultaneously meet the legislative and legal standards of today's society.



Don't Know

Does your park district have a written set of personnel policies covering employee selection practices, performance reviews, salary administration, termination, disciplinary action, rules of work, etc?



Don't Know

Does your park district have an employment application form that is free of discriminatory questions?



Don't Know

Does your park district have written rules of conduct? Are they posted in the work place?



Don't Know

Does your park district have written job descriptions and standards of performance for all jobs?



Don't Know

Do you have an organized new employee orientation and job training program?



Don't Know

Does your park district have a wage and salary administration plan based on job classifications? Is it reviewed annually and updated?



Don't Know

Does your park district require regular written performance reviews for each employee?



Don't Know

Do you have a written procedure for taking disciplinary action? Requirements for documentation?



Don't Know

Do you have a specific procedure to make promotion decisions? Does it include selection criteria and a predetermined selection process?



Don't Know

Does your park district maintain personnel records for each employee that contains only information that has been discussed with the employee?



Don't Know

Does your park administrator and his subordinate administrators and supervisors have some recent training in supervision of people?



Don't Know

Does your park district have a general Liability policy which includes Civil Rights coverage?

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