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Park District Calendar 1983 By Earl L. Hoover* JANUARY 1. January 1, or as soon thereafter as possible, post the schedule of date, time and place of Park District regular meetings for the year — mail copies to news media (or, can be done at beginning of fiscal year). Chapter 102, Section 42.02 et seq. [all chapter references are to Illinois Revised Statutes] 2. Early January is a suggested time to review with the Park District treasurer the requirement that all funds of the District not immediately needed for disbursement must be invested within two working days at prevailing interest rates or better. Chapter 102, Section 34 3. January 20 (first regular meeting of Park Board) is a suggested date to review requirement that every person, other than the treasurer, receiving money for the District must keep a triplicate record of the money, and deliver the money to the treasurer not later than the middle of the month following the month of receipt. Chapter 102, Section 20 4. January 24 is the first day, and January 31 the last day, for candidates for Park District Commissioners to file certificates of nomination and nomination papers with local election official. Chapter 46, Section 10-6 5. January 24 is the last day for petitions to be filed with the District calling for public questions to be placed on the April 12, 1983 ballot. Chapter 46, Section 28-2, 6, 7 6. January 29 is last day to file objections to nominating papers or petitions for public questions. Chapter 46, Sections 10-8 and 28-4 7. January 31 is the last day for a candidate for Park District Commissioner to file his statement of economic interest. Chapter 127, Sections 604A-101 and 105 8. January 31 is the last day for filing the annual Certificate of Status of Real Estate to continue exemption of park property from real estate taxes for the taxable year 1982. Chapter 120, Section 500 FEBRUARY 9. February 6 is the last day for the Park Board to enact an ordinance or resolution calling for a public question to be placed on the April 12, 1983 ballot. Chapter 46, Section 28-2 (Note: there are special time periods which must be met lor "back door" referenda) 10. February 11 is the last day by which the Park Board can enact a resolution changing Park District commissioner terms from six years to four years in order to have four-year terms commence with the April 12, 1983 election. Chapter 105, Section 2-12a 11. February 11 is the last day for the District secretary to certify to the Secretary of State the names of those persons required to file statements of economic interest. Chapter 127, Section 604A-106 12. February 22 is Consolidated Primary Election, no Park commissioner elections. Chapter 46, Section 2A-1.1 MARCH 13. A good month to check zoning changes and annexations by cities or villages within the District boundaries. (Cities and villages must publish a new zoning map by March 31 of each year, if there have been any changes in the boundaries of zoning districts, and furnish a copy of the map upon request. Chapter 24, Section 11-13-19) APRIL 14. April 12 is Consolidated Election for Park District commissioners and public questions. Chapter 46, Sections 2A-1.1 and 1.2 15. April 21 is suggested date to prepare budget and appropriation ordinance in tentative form and place on file for public inspection. Chapter 105, Section 4-4 16. April 21 (first regular meeting after April 12 election) administer and file oath of office for newly elected commissioners. Chapter 105, Section 4-1 17. April 21 (first regular meeting after April 12 election) organize Park Board and establish officers. Chapter 105, Section 4-8 18. April 30 is last day for filing Statements of Economic Interest for persons subject to filing who have not previously filed during the calendar year. Chapter 127, Section 604A-105 19. April 30 (the last day of the fiscal year of the Park District) is last day for the treasurer to prepare the annual statement of receipts and disbursements, which must be published within 30 days of the close of the fiscal year. Chapter 102, Sections 5 and 6 MAY 20. May 1 (beginning of new fiscal year) is alternate date to post the schedule of date, time and place of Park District regular meetings for the fiscal year —mail copies to news media (or. can be done at beginning of calendar year). Chapter 102, Section 42.02 et seq. 21. May 2 start annual audit, which must "be completed and the audit report filed with the Comptroller within six months after the close of [the] fiscal year . . .". Also file a copy of the completed report with the County Clerk. Chapter 85, Sections 702 and 706 22. May 2 send notice to Illinois Department of Labor requesting determination of current prevailing rate of wages for District's area. Chapter 48. Section 39s-9 23. May 4 is suggested date to publish notice of public hearing on budget and appropriation ordinance (at least seven days prior to hearing). Chapter 105, Section 4-4 24. May 19 (regular May meeting) is suggested date to hold the public hearing on the budget and appropriation ordinance and enact that ordinance at the Board meeting following the hearing. Chapter 105, Section 4-4 (Note: the budget and appropriation ordinance does not have to be published after enactment) (Note: the Truth in Taxation public hearing can be held at the same time as the budget and appropriation hearing. Chapter 120, Section 866) 25. May 19 is a suggested date for the Board to estimate the funds to be raised by the tax levy ordinance and determine whether the funds to be raised exceed, by more than 105% the amount extended or estimated to be extended upon the levy of the preceding year (this determination must be made at least 20 days prior to enactment of the levy ordinance). Chapter 120, Sections 864 and 866 (Note: it is recommended that the Park District attorney review all determinations and proceedings relating to this reference, which is the "Truth in Taxation" Act.) 26. May 31 is last date to publish annual statement of receipts and disbursements and file a copy with the County Clerk — for Districts on a May 1 — April 30 fiscal year (must be accomplished within 30 days of close of fiscal year). Chapter 102. Section 5 *Overholser, Flannery, Hoover & Boyd, Attorneys at Law. Libertyville, Illinois Illinois Parks and Recreation 12 January/February 1983 JUNE 27. June 7 is a suggested date to publish notice of hearing (Truth in Taxation Act) if the District proposed levy is greater than 105% of last year's extension or estimated extension — must publish not less than seven, nor more than 14, days prior to hearing — June 7 publication date assumes a hearing date of June 14 to June 21, 1983 - be sure to check special publication requirements found in the statute. Chapter 120, Section 861 et seq. See also Public Act 82-760 28. June 15 (regular June Board meeting) is a suggested date to hold hearing pursuant to Truth in Taxation Act. Chapter 120, Section 641 et seq. 29. June 15 is suggested date to enact tax levy ordinance at regular meeting following the Truth in Taxation Act hearing. Chapter 105, Section 5-1 30. June 30 is last day to: (a) determine prevailing rate of wages (b) post rate schedule for inspection (c) file certified copy of determination with Secretary of State Chapter 48, Section 30s-9 (Note: Section 39s-4 of Chapter 48 allows the Dept. of Labor to determine the prevailing rate of wages if requested by the District — see item 22, supra) 31. June 30, if levy ordinance was enacted on June 15, 1982, last day to publish notice if levy amounts as enacted exceed prior published figures or if levy exceeds 105% of last year's extension and there was no prior publication (notice must be given within 15 days of the date the levy ordinance was enacted). Chapter 120, Section 867 JULY 32. July 30 is last date to publish determination of prevailing rate of wages (if determination was made by the District and not the Dept. of Labor) and mail copies of rates to requesting parties (publication must be within 30 days of date of filing with Secretary of State — see item 30, supra). Chapter 48, Section 39s-9 AUGUST 33. August 1 - Nominations to the Illinois Municipal Retirement Fund Board are accepted between August 1 and September 15. Chapter 108/2, Section 7-175 34. August 18 (regular Board meeting) suggested date to complete and record all annexations to the District (prior to filing levy ordinance with County Clerk) 35. August 22 is a suggested date to confirm that a certified copy of the levy ordinance was properly filed with the County Clerk. Chapter 105, Section 5-1 36. August 22 is a suggested date to verify that the newspaper publisher has filed a Certificate of Publication of Report of Receipts and Disbursements with the County Clerk. Chapter 102, Section 7 37. August 22—lastday for filing petitions with the District to place public questions on November 8, 1983 ballot. Chapter 46, Section 28-2, 6, 7 SEPTEMBER 38. September 4 is last day for the Park Board to initiate public questions (referenda) to be placed on the November 8, 1983 ballot (by ordinance or resolution). Chapter 46, Section 28-2 39. September 20 is last day to: (a) file certified copy of tax levy ordinance with County Clerk. Chapter 105, Section 5-1 (b) file Board President's Certificate of Compliance with County Clerk. Chapter 120, Section 868 40. September 30 is last day to file State and Local Government Information (EEO-4) EEOC form 164 with Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (report documents sex, race and salary data for employees) OCTOBER 41. October 10 is suggested date to review documents to determine which records can be destroyed —permission of Local Records Commission required. Chapter 116, Section 43.101 et seq. 42. October 20 (regular Board Meeting) — review nonreferendum bonding needs preparatory to selling bonds before close of calendar year. Chapter 105, Section 6-4 (Continued on p. 37) Illinois Parks and Recreation 13 January/February 1983 PARK CALENDAR (cont. from p. 13) 43. October 31 (within 6 months of close of fiscal year) last date to file annual audit report with the Comptroller of the State of Illinois and County Clerk. Chapter 85, Sections 702 and 706 NOVEMBER 44. November 8 —Nonpartisan Election (referenda only). 45. November 17 (regular Board meeting) is a suggested date to enact bond ordinance for nonreferendum bonds to be issued prior to end of calendar year. Chapter 105, Section 6-4 DECEMBER 46. December 8 is a suggested date to verify that, for real estate acquired in 1983, appropriate petitions have been filed to exempt from real estate taxes. Chapter 120, Section 500.18 47. December 15 is a suggested date to prepare and file with supervisor of assessments the Annual Certificate of Status of Exempt Property for 1983 (last day for filing is January 31, 1984). Chapter 120, Section 500 48. December 15 (regular December Board meeting) is a suggested date for Board to approve schedule of regular meetings for 1984; post and mail to news media (or can be done at beginning of Illinois Parks and Recreation 37 January/February 1983 fiscal year). Chapter 102, Section 42.02 49. December 30 is last day to file bond ordinances with County Clerk in order to receive extensions of taxes for bond repayment in 1984. 50. December 31 is an excellent date to celebrate the completion of items 1 through 49. Letters to the Editor, with the writer's name and address and daytime telephone number, should be sent to: Editor, Illinois Parks & Recreation, Suite 101, 217 E. Monroe St., Springfield, IL 62701. Letters should be confined to matter's concerning the park and recreation field or related subjects and should not exceed 300 words. The publication of a letter does not constitute an endorsement of the views expressed. Letters may be edited for reasons of space and clarity. Illinois Parks and Recreation 38 January/February 1983 |