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Association News and Announcements

From IAPD . . .

By Dr. Theodore B. Flickinger
Executive Director

5TH ANNUAL IAPD LEGISLATIVE CONFERENCE & RECEPTION will be held on April 20th, 1983, at the Springfield Hilton Hotel. The Legislative Conference is designed to provide you with firsthand, up-to-date information on the Association's Legislative Advocacy Program. State legislators, state administration officials and other recognized leaders in the legislative field will discuss current major issues and present information to assist you with:

—Understanding and being effective in the legislative process;

—Communicating with your legislators;

—Analyzing legislative measures affecting park, forest preserve and conservation districts.

We need a great turnout to show our legislators we care about the future of parks and recreation in Illinois. We suggest that you schedule dinner now with your legislators to follow the IAPD reception. You should contact his/her offices as soon as possible and confirm their attendance at the reception and, if you desire, make reservations for dinner that evening.

Let's put our best foot forward and make this our most successful Legislative Conference.

17th ANNUAL COMMISSIONER/BOARD MEMBER EDUCATIONAL SEMINAR will be held May 14th, 1983, at the Arlington Place Hotel in Arlington Heights. IAPD's seminar is planned for commissioners and board members of park, forest preserve and conservation districts. Commissioner education must be equated with the long term goals of their agencies and those of the IAPD. The district's staff and the IAPD staff are dependent upon the board members' perception of the district and the Association's needs in setting and accomplishing goals for the advancement of the park and recreation movement in Illinois. The seminar provides an orderly progression of instruction in policy methods, techniques and procedures. Educational sessions will feature Don Bresnan, "So Now You Are a Board Member"; Ron Wietecha, "Inter-Personal Relationships with the Board and Staff"; Don Jessen, "A New Commissioner's Point of View and Survival Kit"; and JoAnne Baker, "Retaining/Obtaining Positive Communication with the Media."

The "Survival Kit for Commissioners" will include all handouts plus a reproduction of the "Alphabet Soup." Further information and registration form will be in the "Communicator" Newsletter.

DUES CHECK-OFF PROGRAM FOR 1983 — The following park districts of Illinois have shown outstanding leadership in their support for the legislative efforts by again endorsing the voluntary dues check-off program.

These districts have contributed to the 1983 IAPD dues check-off program. The IAPD Board of Directors extends sincere appreciation for their support.

Carbondale Park District
Oswegoland Park District
Rockford Park District
Skokie Park District
Zion Park District
Olympia Fields Park District
Champaign Park District
Litchfield Park District
Westmont Park District
Dixon Park District
Chicago Ridge Park District
River Trails Park District
Downers Grove Park District
Park District of Highland Park
Roselle Park District
Palatine Park District
Addison Park District
Streamwood Park District
Sumner Park District
Homewood-Flossmoor Park District
Park Ridge Recreation & Park District
Sterling Park District

From IPRA ...

By Kay Kastel Forest
Executive Director

MEMBERSHIP SERVICES SURVEYED A random sample of members will be asked to rate IPRA's services. In order to prioritize the current services offered by IPRA and see which ones are cost effective for the demand, the Membership Services Committee is in the process of developing an attitude and interest survey. It plans to mail the information late this spring. If you are one of the members randomly selected, we ask your cooperation in immediately returning the survey.

The committee is also investigating new services, one of which is the Film Library Club. In February all agencies should have received a mailing and an interest form on the concept. The Film Library Club would be designed to purchase management and other in-service professional training films not otherwise available to members and to loan them out to members at minimal costs. If you are interested in this and have not seen the information, please give IPRA a call.


The IPRA Public Awareness Committee has completed negotiations with the White Sox for a special afternoon "Life. Be In It." Day, June 23, at the ballpark. The committee is offering all those who participate through IPRA special half price tickets to see White Sox vs. the Minnesota Twins. We will be conducting several special events both on and off the field that day. The White Sox sponsored a special party for IPRA in February at the ballpark to highlight the activities of IPRA Day.

If you haven't received information on the program please give us a call.


The Fund Raising Committee has once again arranged for special priced tickets at Marriott's Great America and Six Flags amusement parks.

Since IPRA relys heavily on various fund raising programs to supplement its income, we hope that all members will be supportive of this program. Two days —July 13 and August 5 — have been set aside as IPRA playground and camp days at Great America. This is another program which is set up to benefit both you and IPRA.


I hope all members have marked April 17-19 on their calendars as the IPRA Mid-Year Educational Forum sponsored by the sections.

The Forum committee has planned some of the best sessions ever offered at the mid-year event. Please register early as most of the sessions are limited.

This year for the first time we are planning a special leisure professionals "Alternate Ball" golf tournament. It is designed for males and females regardless of golfing skills. If you have not received your registration brochure, please call.


• Have you seen the new IPRA directory? Complete with a master calendar of events and listing of workshops.

• In alternate months of the magazine, expect to receive new IPRA publication, unnamed as yet which will combine UPDATE and SECTION HIGHLITES.

• Admissions and Standards Committee will be conducting a series of regional meetings to explain the proposed new certification plan which will be voted on later this year.

• Don't forget "Night at the Races" — May 6, 1983.

Illinois Parks and Recreation   5    March/April 1983

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