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In Memoriam

John Needles

John Needles, a member of the Dolton Park Board of Commissioners for 42 years, died January 28, 1983. He was 79 years of age. Mr. Needles was first elected to the Board in April 1939 and served seven consecutive six-year terms, retiring in April 1981. Mr. Needles received several honors for his dedicated park work, including a 40-year award at the 1979 Illinois Parks and Recreation Conference. A community leader in land acquisition for parks, Mr. Needles sought to obtain a park for every neighborhood in Dolton. In addition, Mr. Needles had been active in village and community affairs, serving on the Civil Service Commission. He also was a retired secretary for the Brotherhood of Railway Trainmen and had served as local chairman of the Brotherhood of Railway Trainmen, Lodge 1299. He is survived by his wife, Mabel; two sons, John C. and Gene; a daughter, Faye Honchell; and five grandchildren.

Ira W, Johnson

Ira W. Johnson, Geneva, a member of the Kane County Forest Preserve Executive Committee and a recipient of an IAPD Service Award, died January 31, 1983, in Geneva Community Hospital. He was 89. Johnson served for 51 consecutive years as a member of the Forest Preserve Committee Board, beginning April 29, 1931 and retiring November 30, 1982. At the 1982 Illinois Parks and Recreation Annual Conference last fall, Johnson was presented an IAPD Service Anniversary Award in recognition of 51 years of tenure as a member of the Forest Preserve Committee. He also was recognized for having a perfect 51 year attendance record at Committee meetings. He was president of the committee for three years and in addition served on several county board committees.

Illinois Parks and Recreation   44   March/April 1983

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