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Lilac Festival — Held at Lilacia Park, Lombard. Colorful celebration features a dazzling array of lilac blossoms. First two weeks. Old Capitol Art Fair — Held at the Old Capitol Plaza. Springfield. Bargains and browsing through Lincoln sites. Third weekend.


Fort de Chartres Rendezvous —Held at the Fort de Chartres Historic Site, Prarie du Rocher. A revival of Illinois' early American frontier era. First weekend.

Old Canal Day — Held downtown Lockport. A parade kicks off this traditional historic festival. Third weekend.

Grand Levee — Held at the Vandalia State House. A candlelight reception with afternoon craft demonstration. Third weekend.

Ravinia Festival — Held in Highland Park. Thirty-six acre wooded park is the summer home of the Chicago Symphony Orchestra and the setting for a music lover's paradise. Fourth week through the middle of September.

Old English Faire — Held at Jubilee College State Park, Brimfield. Strolling troubadours, traditional English plays and knights in combat entertain. Fourth weekend.

Illinois Parks and Recreation     8   May/June 1983

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