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Secretary Of State Task Force Recommends
Changes In Law Regarding Persons With Disabilities

Based upon his interest in improving services from the Office of the Secretary of State for persons with disabilities, Secretary of State Jim Edgar in September of 1982 appointed a Task Force to review statutes, policies and procedures affecting the issuance of handicapped license plates, state photo identification cards for persons with disabilities and special handicapped parking decals.

The Task Force met on January 17, February 15 and March 16 to consider these issues. Ted Flickinger, IAPD Executive Director, was requested to serve on the Task Force and he in turn requested that an IPRA representative also be appointed. Terri Sheehan of the Springfield Recreation Department was appointed to represent the Therapeutic Section of IPRA. The Task Force has submitted the following recommendations to the Secretary of State:

I. Chapter 1-159.1 of the Illinois Vehicle Code be amended by substituting for the current language the following definition: "Handicapped Person. Every natural person who is unable to walk fifty (50) feet or more unassisted without great difficulty or discomfort due to the following impairments: neurologic, orthopedic, respiratory, cardiac, arthritic disorder, blindness, or the loss or absence of a limb or limbs."

This change is intended to assure that handicapped plates are available to the persons for whom they are intended: i.e., those persons for whom their disability represents a mobility handicap. A functional definition along these lines has been reviewed by medical personnel at the Rehabilitation Institute of Chicago. They are of the opinion that such a definition does lend itself to certification by a physician.


A. Chapter 3-604, et. al., of the Illinois Vehicle Code should be amended to delete the word "physically" when referring to handicapped persons defined in 1-159.1 (including at least 3-611 and 3-161).

B. Chapter 11-1301.1, et al., of the Illinois Vehicle Code should be amended to delete the word "physically" when referring to handicapped person defined in 1-159.1 (including at least 1-1301.3; 11-208 (a) (14); 11-209,12 [d]).

III. 3-616 and/or 11-1301.2 of the Illinois Vehicle Code should be amended to authorize the Secretary of State to issue a "special decal for handicapped parking" carrying the same rights and privileges as a handicapped plate to any eligible handicapped person who desires such a decal as an alternative to a handicapped plate. The following considerations should be reflected in the statutory language:

A. The prerogative of local governing authorities under 11-1301.2 to issue decals to meet the needs of the citizens of their own communities should not be affected.

B. Issuance of such a decal by the Secretary of State should require the same certification by a physician as is required for issuance of a handicapped plate.

C. The decal should have printed on it or affixed to it a personal identifier to guard against the use of the decal other than for the benefit of the person to whom it was issued. That personal identifier should not


Wheelchair athletes and joggers are shown at the state capitol starting point of a six mile race to Washington Park that took place April 9 in Springfield. Matt Langdon, in wheelchair at left, won the race in 53.56 minutes. Purpose of the race was to call attention to the abilities of wheelchair athletes and to kick off the Midwest Symposium on Therapeutic Recreation which was held April 9-12 in Springfield.

Illinois Parks and Recreation 10 May/June 1983

contain the address of the person to whom the decal was issued.

This recommendation is intended to address the following concerns:

A. Many local governing authorities have not chosen to exercise their discretionary authority to issue special parking decals. Therefore, persons with disabilities living in those communities or in rural unincorporated areas do not have "local governing authorities" from whom they can receive a decal.

B. Some municipalities do not honor decals issued by other municipalities.

C. A handicapped plate is for all purposes permanently affixed to a specific vehicle. Many persons with disabilities do not own a vehicle, and many others ride with friends, family, or paid drivers going shopping, going to the doctor, etc. Additionally, many eligible handicapped persons are reluctant to obtain a handicapped plate in that they feel that the plate, permanently affixed to their vehicle, identifies them as vulnerable to criminals.

This recommendation would solve these problems by providing the availability of a statewide issuance decal not permanently affixed to a specific vehicle and carrying the full rights and privileges of handicapped plates.

IV. The Illinois Identification Card Act (Chapter 124. Illinois Revised Statute) should be revised under Section 12 "Fees" as follows:

Any handicapped person making an application here-under for no fee must, along with the application, submit an affirmation by the applicant on a form to be provided by the Secretary of State, attesting that such person is a handicapped person as defined by Section 1-159.1 of the Illinois Vehicle Code or that such person has a disability so severe as to preclude him or (Continued on page 49)

Illinois Parks and Recreation 11 May/June 1983

(Continued from p. 11)

her from obtaining a driver's license.

This recommendation is intended to reflect the undue burden imposed by the cost of obtaining a physician's certification as to disability for the benefit of the waiver of a $4.00 fee for an identification card valid for five years.

Illinois Parks and Recreation 49 May/June 1983

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