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Story and Photos By Jill Koch

A "Mighty Mud Mania" obstacle course highlighted the Park District of Highland Park's Fall Festival '82. Forty tons of dirt were hauled in for the six obstacles, and staff personnel mixed it wet with their feet.

About 85 youngsters from 7 to 15 and a few adults participated in the event. Other events of the Festival, which drew an attendance of 500, were a fishing derby, music by a German band, balloon launch, soft-ball tournament, tennis, ice skating and an animal pet show.

Two youths dive through innertubes into a mud hole, while two other participants in left center photo race through mud to reach the next obstacle.

Splat! and another youngster lands in a mud puddle after diving through an innertube at the Mighty Mud Mania.

After finishing the obstacle, participants get a free hosing down. General consensus was that it was a lot of fun.

Jill Koch. Public Relations Director for the Park District of Highland Park 1979-83, is now proprietor of a public relations agency in Lake County.

Illinois Parks and Recreation    31   May/June 1983

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