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(The constitutional by-laws of the IAPD provide that "membership as an Associate Member in the Association shall be available to commercial organizations and educational institutions, or units thereof, upon application in writing to the Executive Director and subject to approval by the Board of Directors." To obtain a brochure describing membership advantages, write to: Illinois Association of Park Districts, 217 E. Monroe St., Suite 101, Springfield, IL 62701.)

AMERICAN LOCKER SECURITY SYSTEMS, INC. 174 Warren Allen Drive, Wood Dale, IL 60191. (312) 595-9177.
PRODUCTS: Self-Service Coin-Operated Lockers.

J.E. BARCLAY & ASSOCIATES, 444 S. Home, Oak Park, IL 60302, (312) 383-8050.
SERVICES: Architects - Engineers - Planners.

HARLAND BARTHOLOMEW AND ASSOCIATES, INC, 899 Skokie Blvd., Northbrook, IL 60062. (312) 272-6030.
SERVICES: Planners, Engineers, Landscape Architects — Master Planning & Design

PAUL BUCKLEY & ASSOCIATES — Miracle Recreation Equip. Co., P.O. Box 201, Geneva, IL 60134. (312) 232-6197.
PRODUCTS: Wood-Metal-Fiberglass playground equip. Bleachers, Benches, Picnic Tables & Shelters, Planning & Layout Service.

THE J.E. BURKE COMPANY, Van Dyne Road, P.O. Box 549, Fond du Lac, WI 54935.
(414) 921-9220.
PRODUCTS: Complete line of playground, sports, and recreation equipment.

RALPH BURKE ASSOCIATES, 1550 Northwest Highway, Suite 400, Park Ridge, IL 60068. (312) 297-1172.
SERVICES: Feasibility Studies, Financial Planning. Site Selection, Master Plans, Referendum Guidance, Architectural & Engineering Services.

FLORIST PRODUCTS, INC. 2242 N. Palmer Dr., Schaumberg 60195. (312) 885-2242.
Products. Compleet horticultural supplies since1952.

FRANK B. HALL & COMPANY — Packaged Group Insurance Division, 230 W. Monroe, Chicago, IL 60606. (312) 863-5717.

HALOGEN SUPPLY COMPANY, 4653 W. Lawrence Ave., Chicago, IL 60630, (312) 286-6300.
PRODUCTS: Swimming Pool Equipment and Supplies. Swimming Pool Consultant Services.

INTANGIBLE MARKETING. INC./THE COPELAND ORGANIZATION, 180 No. LaSalle St., Chicago, IL 60601 (312) 263-1662

LEISURE CONCEPTS & DESIGN, 300 W. Golf Road, Mt. Prospect, IL 60056. (312) 398-3004.
SERVICES: Park, Recreation, Open Space Planning, Design, Architecture and Landscape Architecture, Feasibility Studies & Master Plans.

NORTHEAST DuPAGE SPECIAL RECREATION ASSOCIAITON, 420 West Madison St., Elmhurst, IL 60126. (312) 530-5400.
SERVICES: Recreational & Leisure services to all handicapping conditions and all ages.

BMF INSURANCE SERVICES, INC., 1011 Toughy Ave., Suite 475, Des Plaines, IL 60018, (312) 298-9620.
SERVICES: Park Planning , Landscape Architecture, Land Planning

SCRUGGS AND HAMMOND, INC, 2914 Caterpillar Trail, E. Peoria, IL 61611. (309) 699-6454.
SERVICES: Park Planning, Landscape Architecture, Land Planning

THOMPSON DYKE & ASSOCIATES, LTD., 899 Skokie Blvd., Northbrook, IL 60062.
(312) 272-6280.
SERVICES: Landscape Architecture, Master Planning, Recreational Design, Open Space Studies, Park Redesign, Tax Impact and Feasibility Studies.

WIGHT & COMPANY, INC, 814 Ogden Avenue, Downers Grove, IL 60515. (312) 969-7000.
SERVICES: Architects, Engineers, Land Planners and Recreational Services.

Illinois Parks and Recreation 50 May/June 1982

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