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Legislators Golf Outing Draws Large Crowd

More than 300 legislators, commissioners, trustees, directors and other leisure professionals attended the 1983 Legislators Golf Outing August 5 at the Arrowhead Country Club, Wheaton. Besides golf, tennis and an abundance of camaraderie, the event featured a Buffalo Tro cook-out and the distribution of awards and golf prizes. Shown are some pictorial highlights of the event, which was jointly sponsored by the Illinois Association of Park Districts and the Illinois Park and Recreation Association. The Joint Legislative Awareness Committee planned the outing.

Bill Geisler, one of the principal chefs for the Buffalo Tro, is shown placing a chunk of steak on hot coals at the Golf Outing. William Abernathy, a professor at Southern Illinois University-Carbondale, was in charge of the cookout.

Rep. Terry Steczo, 78th District, was presented the "Legislator of the Year" award by President Powell at the Golf Outing. His sponsorship of legislation helpful to parks and recreation was cited as outstanding.

Rep. Ted Leverenz, 51st District, is shown at right.

President Powell is shown as he presented golf prizes to two legislators, Sen. Adeline Geo-Karis (left), 3Ist District, and Rep. Lolita Didrickson, 37th District, who were winners, respectively, of closest to the pin and the putting contest.

A group of prize winners pose for a photo at the outing. Shown (left to right) are Rep. William Peterson, 60th District; Rep. Bernie Pederson, 54th District; IAPD President Morgan Powell, who announced the prize winners; Rep. Jane Barnes, 38th District; Sen. James Rupp, 51st District; Rep. David Harris, 53rd District; and Rep. Donald Hensel, 50th District.

Also receiving prizes from President Powell were Sen. Beverly Fawell, 20th District; Sen. William Mahar, 19th District, and Rep. Kathleen Wojcik, 45th District.

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