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WALTER C. JOHNSON, a 21-year Illinois park professional veteran, has been named director of the National Recreation and Park Association's Great Lakes Regional Service Center, NRPA Executive Director John H. Davis recently announced. The regional office is located in Palatine, Ill.

An Illinois native who received both his Bachelor of Science and Master of Science degrees from the University of Illinois, Johnson has been executive director of the Cary Park District in Cary, Ill., for the past two years. He previously served in a similar capacity for the Naperville Park District from 1974 to 1981, and for the Glencoe Park District from 1965 to 1974.

While heading the 717-acre Naperville Park District, Johnson was a driving force behind the enactment of the "Naperville Land Donation Ordinance,"a landmark regulation that required land developers to donate 5 1/2 acres of land for park use for every 1,000 people in a planned subdivision. The regulation, which was challenged unsuccessfully by the National Association of Home Builders all the way to the Illinois Supreme Court, was later adopted by a number of other park agencies around the country.

NRPA's Great Lakes Regional Service Center, one of five it maintains across the nation, serves Illinois, Indiana, Iowa, Michigan, Minnesota, Missouri, Ohio, Wisconsin, and the Canadian provinces of Ontario and Manitoba. Each regional office serves its state network through consultation, research and technical assistance.

RICH GRODSKY recently was appointed to the Dundee Township Park District staff as Superintendent of Recreation. A graduate of the University of Illinois with a B.S. degree in Recreation and Park Administration, his prior experiences include Superintendent of Recreation for Morton Grove Park District, and Recreation Supervisor for Park Ridge Recreation and Park District. Grodsky has been active in IPRA and last year served as president of North Shore Round Table.

DR. WILLIAM E. O'BRIEN, retiring chairman of the Department of Recreation at SIU-Carbondale, was honored by the establishment of a scholarship fund in his name, at a retirement dinner held August 26 at the SIU student center. It is the goal of the SIU Recreation alumni to generate $6,500 which through its investments will provide an annual scholarship of $500. The scholarship will be awarded annually to a student enrolled in the Department of Recreation who has demonstrated both scholarship and need.

RICHARD SEDOWSKI has been appointed Director of Parks and Recreation for the Joliet Park District. This move comes four months after the resignation of the former director, Mr. John Hiade. Mr. Sedowski previously served as Superintendent of Recreation with the District from 1981 to 1983. Prior to Joliet, Mr. Sedowski served as Director of Parks and Recreation for Dixon, and Recreation and Athletic Coordinator in Arlington Heights.

Mr. Sedowski holds a Business Administration Degree from DePaul University with graduate studies in Recreation from George Williams College. He is a member of IPRA, NRPA and SSPRPA.

THE DECATUR PARK SINGERS presented their annual benefit concert before a capacity audience August 12 and 13 at the Kirkland Auditorium in Decatur. Fifteen numbers were performed by the Park Singers, including several hits from Broadway shows. In addition, several other groups appeared in special

WILLIAM F. SHERMAN, JR. and LINDA WANDER are shown receiving awards from Park Board Secretary Donald W. Whitlock (center) for having served 20 years and 10 years, respectively, on the Board of Commissioners of Downers Grove Park District. Both Sherman, the current vice president, and Wander, the current president, have served the District as president, vice president and secretary of the board.

Illinois Parks and Recreation   44   September/October 1983

performances, including three categories of Best of Summer Stock (B.O.S.S.). Shown above are the B.O.S.S. Jr. group singing "We Go Together."

The Decatur Park Singers are sponsored by the Decatur Park District under the direction of Jerry Menz, Director of Recreation.

Illinois Parks and Recreation   45   September/October 1983

AMONG THE OFFICIALS and spouses who attended the Decatur Park Singers annual benefit concert August 13 at Kirkland Auditorium in Decatur were (left to right, above): Dr. Morgan Powell, Champaign, president of Illinois Association of Park Districts, and Mrs. Powell; State Senator James Rupp, Decatur, and Mrs. Rupp; and Mrs. Robert Cole and Mr. Cole, Decatur. Mr. Cole is a past president of the Decatur Park District Board of Commissioners and past president of the IAPD.

Illinois Parks and Recreation   46   September/October 1983

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